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Everything posted by a1jit

  1. Hi Guyz, I need so help here.. I just need some idea here on formatting the table..Actually if you look at the image attached..i want to contruct that kind of table..I know its preety simple..just some html tables tags will give me that table... But here is my problem..Actually i have an outer loop an inner loop..The outer loop gives me the data in 'Item Column' and each Item has its sub-item..Like that sub-item of Item (1) is Info1 user1 Info2 user2 Info3 User3 And each of this subitem is the result of the inner loop (1 loop in the inner loop gives you 1 info and 1 user, then the next inner loop gives you next info and users) ...So each of the subitem is evaluated against certain rule to get its phase..Like Info1 (that is obtained in the inner loop ) belongs to Phase1 after some evaluation is done.. So my question is, how do i get the table formatted so i get the table displayed in the attachment? Because once all the subitems for a particular item is obtained, then only i can start constructing the table for item1.. So how do i construct this table actually? do i need to store the items in an array first then combine it with <td> and <tr> or any idea? i really dont know how to get started..ANY idea/reference/guide ...really appreciate if someone could guide me here... Thank You,,
  2. Hi, So how can i loop a procedure then stop for 10 minutes, then loop again.. I have a code from msdn, it runs procedure every 600 milliseconds until a loop has finished.. But the problem im facing is the 'loop' part of my code does not complete in 600miliseconds, sometimes longer and sometimes faster, So is the any way i can loop a procedure, after it finish,sleep for 10minutes, then start again...
  3. hi thx.. I have 2 questions 1) have you seen any example on this? writing an excel file cell by cell using activex control at clients side? 2) If i create at server side, and allow it to be downlaoded by client, how does the file get processed? I dont understand the concept.Maybe 2 or three users might send request at the same time, how does the program knows which user requested for which file or report?
  4. Actually im loopinng the dayabase and looking for some changes ... if there is change, i want to send out email or something... So is it a good idea to use a timer here...i takes lots of memory>?
  5. Yup ... i need to check that out ... have not used TreeView Control before ..thkass a lot
  6. Hi Guys, How can i open an excel file at client side and gain control over it.. Gain control meaning a want to write to it cells by cell.. when i place data into it..i want to go by cell and sheets.. meaning like cells(1,1) = "test" Is it possible..Any reference or guidance.. Thank you very very much...
  7. Hi Guys, Is there any way to loop a database every 10 minutes..then wait for some time and continue again.. Is timer a good idea? will it take a lot of memory to do this? I know this api function Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Private Sub form load() Do While "some condition" "Your code Here" Sleep 10000 Loop End Sub Which is better..this api or timer? And another question, this api i used in visual basic..how to convert it so that it works in c#? Thank you very much
  8. Just a quick question..you mentioned to use AJAX What is it actually..where can i find some good reference on it? I heard its some good windows feature
  9. Has anyone seen a c#.net control like the one that is on dell's website. Like its a plus sign, then when you click it, the sub items expand?
  10. Hello Guys,, Thank you very much for the ideas and input..just a question..i have a small piece of code here that does exectly what i did..really good.. Response.ContentType = "application/csv" Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "inline; filename=export.csv" Response.Write( "DateTime,UserID,ID,HOAccountNo,OrderNumber,BranchAccNo,DeliveryInstruction,ProductCode,Quantity,UnitPrice,BackOrder, PayMethod" & chr(13) & chr(10) ) But when im displaying can i specify which cells i want to display in? any way to do this.. Because when im retrieving data, i need to check against some rules..maybe if it matches..it goes in the second column, if not, maybe it get displayed in the first column.. Aany way i can solve this?>
  11. Hi Guys, Have you guys seen any sample tutorial or example that teaches us how to do the following appilication 1) User click export button 2) Then the asp application gets all records from database (server side) 3) it opens excel at clients side and start to write to it... How can i accomplish this..Aany help will be greatly appreciated.. Thank you very very much..
  12. Found a way to run macro..but still cant find solution for the first question oXL.Run("TEST",Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing);
  13. hI gUYS, i have 2 questions to inquire.. 1) Lets say i want to create a hyperlink programatically using c#, HOW do i do it? Maybe i want to place a hyperlink in cells(1,1) linking to cells(1,3) 2) Is it possible to run an excel macro (placed in excel file) using c#.. Means that i open my application using c#, then i run the macro in the excel file from my c# application..How can i achieve this Really appreciate it if some guidance can be provided ..thank you very much..
  14. Hi Guys, I wrote a piece of code here to open and close an excel file.. Everything works fine..But im not sure why when i go to the task manager, the instance of excel is still there running > means that the excel file is not closed properly..Do you guys have any idea what is the problem? Thankx in advance oXL = new Excel.Application(); oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Open("C:\\Content.xls", Type.Missing,false, Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,true, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing); oWB.Close(false,Type.Missing,Type.Missing); oXL.Workbooks.Close(); oXL.Quit();
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