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Everything posted by a1jit

  1. Hi Guys, How do i capture content from a browser based on a specific URL.. Lets say i navigate to google.com, how do i capture the whole content into a variable.. for some reasons im generating some xml file on server side, so i want my users to actually access the data from the window application.. Appreciate if some guidelines/reference can be provided to get me started with this. thanks
  2. Hi Guys, I plan to connect to oracle database, but i see 2 providers which allow me to do it 1) ODP.NET 2) Microsoft .NET Provider for Oracle My question is 1) Do i need Oracle Client Installed on machine for this 2 providers? 2) Which data provider is better? 3) Which allows me to interact with database easily 4) Which provider is more powerful in terms of handling, dealing with data 5) Which gives me a faster connection to the database Thanks for any input and guidance
  3. Hi, You mean something like this for the code below? /Service1/Service1.asmx/SayHello?strMyName=something Found it at http://www.west-wind.com/presentations/dotnetwebservices/DotNetWebServices.asp namespace HelloService { [WebService( Namespace="http://abstractvb.com/", Name="Hello Web Service in C#", Description="My Description")] public class HelloService : System.Web.Services.WebService { public HelloService() { //CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Services Designer InitializeComponent(); } [WebMethod] public string SayHello(String strMyName) { return "Hello " + strMyName; } [WebMethod] public string SayGoodBye() { return "Goodby!"; } } } Just another small question, i see the results being displayed is in xml format.. Can i control the format? meaning in the return keyword, i define my own xml format.. Because some results which is processed needs a more complex way of representing the output, for an example the xml might have a few levels of data. So if this is the case, would i be able to define the output format that would be displayed? Meaning im retrieving data on books, so i might have a few levels, like book Type-> Authors -> Tiltle -> Date Published and etc So would i be able to construct my own type of XML Format (maybe into a string variable) , then i just put the "string variable name" into the return statement..Is this possible?
  4. Hi Guys, Thanks for the input, since it meets my need, i think i will give a try.. Just a problem. I was doing some tutorials and found something i wish to do .. I followed a tutorial in http://abstractvb.com/code.asp?A=1006 Everything worked fine. Only One problem.. Once i typed in the program in http://abstractvb.com/code.asp?A=1006 , i compiled it, and run it, it brough me to a page where i can select which function i wish to execute. Then i click the link, and now i have been brought to another page where i key in the list of parameters in the text fields.. Can i skip this two process (selecting function and then keying in the parameters) by just keying in a specific URL in the web browser? Meaning i send the function name and parameter list in the URL itself .. Can i do this in the browser?
  5. Hi, i did some reading on web services..it really meets my needs, but im not so sure on this.. Can a .NET Web Service be called from any type of application designed for example a java window application? Or it can only be called from .NET Application?.. Because i need something which is really robust and can actually be called from a number of External Application designed using various programming languages like java and etc
  6. thanks for the reply, I have no had a look at web service.. So in web service, do i have the possibity to perform the following operation I issue a URL which includes the asp PageName, Columns in database, and data like the following ",yourname" names.asp = asp page name get_name = parameter (maybe one of the column in database) myname,yourname = 2 data (separated by comma) So is it possible to detect the list of parameter and to retrieve data in XML Format and display it in the asp page? Because in asp i might use Request.form("rule_name"); to retrieve the parameter. Do i have the capability to retrieve this information usng web service asp.net? thanks for the reply
  7. Application that acts as a "communicator" between database and external application Hi Guys, I have a question, i wish to design an application that acts as a "glue" between database and a window based application The main reason why i want to do this is that the database im using is oracle and we cant afford to have oracle client installed on each and every machine to support the window based application. So one possible solution is to have the oracle client installed on a machine that interects between the external application and database This means sending the relevant HTTP requests and and then, we get the response back maybe in some format like XML. So meaning i might just send some address from my external window based application like ",yourname" Then this middle application will process this http request and send back the results in certain format through webpage (In XML Format maybe) appreciate if someone has some good reference/guidance or any example/tutorial which can help me to understand furhter on this. Thanks..
  8. Hi, You are right plausibly, i have searched a lot and this is what i got "Visaul Studio Version is tied to a specific version of the Framework" Still cant believe :) but anyway So i went to microsoft site and downloaded the VS 2005 Express Web Developer Edition, its good, i can see all the control..Its free up to noevember.. But its just for development purpose..I cannot deploy the asp.net page i developed.. Has anyone tried using VS 2005 Express Web Developer? i develop simple page, and then when i try to access from another machine, it gives some error, seems i can only access from the development machine.. Maybe VS 2005 Express Web Developer Edition doesnt enable user to deploy since its a free version..But if anyone managed to deploy asp.net application developed using this IDE, hope you dont mind sharing it with me.. thank you
  9. Hi, Thanks ..just a bit confused, you mean although im using VS 2003, i can still use the new controls that comes in framework 2.0 ? You mean the IDE Version is not tied up to the framework version. vs 2002 - Framework 1.0 vs 2003 - Framework 1.1 vs 2005 - Framework 2.0 Meaning although im using VS2002, I can still use the new controls that comes with Framework 2.0 after installating the new framework?
  10. ok, thanks, i agree with you to go on 2005, but have to put some cash on that :) .. but its worth i feel anyway lets say i wnt to stick to the second solution, how do i actually import/use the new controls (such as menu and tree control) and also tell the compiler to use framework 2.0 to compile application. thanks,,
  11. Hi, thanks, in other words, you are mentioning that the new controls designed in framework2.0 cannot be used if im using visual studio 2003? then we need to keep purchasing new IDE to support the new framework? There is no way to only import the new menu control or treeview control library and make use of it in visual studio 2003?
  12. Hi Guys, Im aware that framework 2.0 comes with some additional controls which framework1.1 does not support like menu,treeview etc Previously i already have framework 1.1 installed on my machine.. Then i downloaded Framework 2.0 redist x86 from microsoft site so that i can try out the menu and tree control..But after installtion and restarting my machine, i still dont see any additional controls which framework 2.0 supports.. Im using windows xp and i have my service pack up to date Has anyone encountered this issue? No idea why its still showing the old set of controls thanks in advaance
  13. Yea, i mean having checkboxes in combo-box, the main idea behind this is to allow user to have a drop down list and allow them to select multiple items.. I was just wondering if anyone have actually created this kind of control, hope you dont mind sharing it with me..Is it possible to create such a custom control in dotnet? Actually i just want to capability to select multiple items in combo-box. Is it possible..Meaning i want to have a drop down list (something like combobox) and allow user to select 1 or more items in the control?
  14. Hi Guys, Do we have a control in asp.net where we have a combo-box with checkboxes in it? Meaning lets say we have 3 items in the combo-box, we should have 3 checkboxes assigned to each item in the combo-box so that user can select multiple records at once Any tutorial or reference would be very helpful.. Thanks in advance..
  15. Hi Guys, thanks for the help.. I tried searching on AJAX, there was ample of examples on net.. But im still unable to fine one example that fits my needs.. If anyone has actually seen this example (Process at server, write to div element <updates>, then continue process, finish) , just a short one, hope you dont mind pasting the URL Thank you very much
  16. hi, diesel thanks, but still the same,does not work..any other suggestions?
  17. Hi Guys, Thanks for the input, i decided to use the getelimentbyId to update the div browser element but it doesnt work, its not updating the value for some reason..because i thought when i loops one time, it should update the div element to be equal to the 'i' value, but thats not the case..Appreciate if someone could help me..Below is my code.. public void why(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int i; for (i=0;i<300;i++) { Response.Write("<script language=javascript>;"); Response.Write("function changeInnerText()"); Response.Write("{if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById('hello') != null)"); Response.Write("{document.getElementById('hello').innerText = i;}"); Response.Write("return true;}"); Response.Write("<//script>"); Response.Flush(); } } <body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout"> <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"> <table border="1"> <tr> <td>test1</td> <td>test</td> </tr> <tr> <td>test2</td> <td> <div id="hello" runat="server">This appears in front of the select in IE</div> </td> </tr> <asp:Button ID="test" Runat="server" OnClick="why"></asp:Button> </table> </form> </body>
  18. Hi Guys, Really need some guide on this, I heard that div elements are browser element and thus can be updated at runtime when a current c# function is processed.. How do i accomplish this operation I have code thats read from database..Sometimes processes 3000-5000 records which might take around 10minutes.. How do i update once a record is retrieved using div elements? Meaning, lets say i have a form with 1 submit button, and 9 items to select.. Once user click submit button, which ever selected report will be processed. So lets say i have 3000 data.. i want to some sort like update user in div elements regarding status (how many records already retrieved) Really appreciate if someone could guide me here.. thank you very very much
  19. Hi Thanks for the reply... Actually i got an error when i use screen.width Parser Error Message: 'screen.width' can not be parsed as a unit as there are no numeric values in it. Examples of valid unit strings are '1px' and '.5in'. So how do i convert the screen.width to the format that the image property accepts?
  20. Hi Guys, I know how to get the resolution of user and i want to know how to put the height and width to represent this resolution using javascript.. The code that i use to get width of user resolution window is screen.width, and screen.height So when i place image, i tried doing the following but didnt work I replace the width to be equal to = screen.width <asp:image id="Image1" style="Z-INDEX: 70; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px" runat="server" Width=screen.width Height="85px" ImageUrl=".jpg"></asp:image><br> Another question is how do i place or get the position just above the status bar in IE cause i want to place an image right at the bottom too.. Thanks very much for advice
  21. hi thanks, i wil try it out..
  22. Hi Guys, Im just not sure how to do this..Dont know its simple or tough.. I want to place an image (banner) at top of the login page, and the length should be equal to the page size..I cant seem to get it done.. So i place using the <asp:image> tag. and i specify a certain height and width.. I want the width to cover the whole page length actually, but not sure how.. Currently if i put with 1800px, and view the page using smaller resolution, i see scrollbar.. So, how do i make the image fit on the page exactly as the resolution user is using so that i dont need any scrollbar and can cover the full width of the page? Thank You
  23. Hi Guys, Lets say i have created a windows application file using C#, Based on my understanding, i must have CLR which comes together WITH .net framework in order to run the .exe application.. does it mean that all users that use this application must make sure .net framework is installated on all users pc? just another question And lets say the .exe application, i place it on the server, and i give path to the user for using this application. Meaning user access application by creating a shortcut pointing to \\\App.exe\ So all users access the application using this path. Is it fine? Is is better for all users (around 50users) to access a file from a particular path or its better for all users to get the application installed on their machine? Thank You
  24. Actually i have tried with the str.replace() function.. I doesnt replace if str is below. string str = "test\r\n\r\n" str.replace("\r\n","") still gives me "test\r\n\r\n"
  25. Hi Guys, I was just thinking wheather how do i do this I want to do some replace operation, for an example, i want to replace the "\r\n" string with " " So lets say i have this, it works properly. string str = "test\r\n" if i use a replace function here, i get only "test" but lets say i have this string str = "test\r\n\r\n" how do i actually write a small function that find any combination of \r\n and replaces it with " " ? like if the string is "test\r\n\r\n" It should give me "test" Any idea?
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