I'm trying to use functions, I'm still pretty new to this. I have two function calls going to two different functions. No matter which one I call first, only the first one will work, not the second. I've switched them around and its always which ever one I put first that works. Any thoughts?
lblQualify.Text = CalADPSPayOffDate(CreditorNameArray, BalanceArray, MinMoArray, PctArray, PriorityArray, numRecs, accMargin, totalIncome)
lblQualify.Text = Format(lblQualify.Text, "fixed")
lblPlusQualify.Text = CalADPSPlusPayOffDate(CreditorNameArray, BalanceArray, MinMoArray, PctArray, PriorityArray, numRecs, curADPSPlusAccMargin, totalIncome)
lblPlusQualify.Text = Format(lblPlusQualify.Text, "fixed")