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Everything posted by 4ice

  1. Does nobody have an idea or something I could try? Or did I post it in the wrong section?
  2. Hi Everybody, I think I have a somewhat difficult question, but perhaps it's easier then I think. I have a simple network with a pc connected to my modem/router. On this same router there is also a phone (Siemens DX800a) connected. With this phone came some software: Gigaset Quicksync. I installed this software and it works fine. I can call a number via the pc and when I receive a call a popup appears (see image) on my screen with caller details. So Gigaset Quicksync somehow listens to a network port (the address of my phone is However I would like to built my own program that contains more possibilities and also detects incoming calls and of course accept or decline the call. Unfortunately I have absolutely no idea where to start. Can anyone help me out with this matter? Seeing the program it is possible, but how... You help will be greatly appreciated. The program needs to run on Windows (Vista and 7) and can hopefully be written in C# .NET. If you need more information, just ask. Thanks in advance! Best regards 4ice
  3. @Cags: it's the same link as the one in my first post. But following these instructions you have to install embedded Visual C++. For me this tutorial was not what I wanted. @Nate: if you have an original copy of Windows you can download the Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC SDK at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=83a52af2-f524-4ec5-9155-717cbe5d25ed&DisplayLang=en When you install this SDK you get a lot of samples. One of them is memwatcher. This is a complete project (including a CAB project) which you can open with VS2005 and you got yourself a today screen plugin with installation file. From there I started to remove everything I did not wanted en added my own things. For me it was a greate start, especially because I only needed VS2005. Hopefully it's a bit clear.
  4. Hi Nate, kinda an old thread, but the subject isn't. I also wanted to do the same thing. Unfortunately it seems to be not possible in .NET, at least not without using c++. In the following article from MS they create a Pocket PC Today Screen Plug-in with the .NET Compact Framework. But you have to use eMbedded Visual C++ also. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnppcgen/html/TodayScrn.asp I did not use this method and made a c++ today plugin with VS2005. It works fine, although my c++ is poor. Hope you (or anybody else) can use this info.
  5. 4ice

    Data storage

    Thanks! This makes the decission simple. It will be a database (and in my case Access because of my budget) That was not what I meant. :) I know that my program can do everything with Access (I did it before). What I meant was that the stored data can be easily accessed without my program, ie. with MS Access. And that is something I don't want. And also...... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
  6. 4ice

    Data storage

  7. 4ice

    Data storage

    Thanks for your info. I guess it'll be Access then. :)
  8. 4ice

    Data storage

    I want to develop this program for myself, mainly for practising Visual Basic .NET, but also for managing my clients. One of the things I'm curious about: is it necessary to use a database or are there other (better) solutions. There are a lot of programs that manage a lot of data without the use of a database, or am I mistaking? Anyway my budget for this (exercise)project is low, so if I must use a database it will be probably Access.
  9. 4ice

    Data storage

    Sorry totally forgot to mention that I'm using Visual Basic .NET :rolleyes:
  10. 4ice

    Data storage

    If you want to store lots of data (ie. for a CRM program), what is the best / safest way to do this? MS Access database? Or are there better options? Hope you guys can give me some information! Thanks in advance
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