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Everything posted by clabarca

  1. Robert, Did you install the Crystal Reports Runtime Engine on the production web server? Crystal reports will not generate if you did not. If you did, then try: Dim oStream As System.IO.Stream oStream = Rep.ExportToStream(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat) Response.ClearHeaders() Response.ClearContent() Response.ContentType = "application/pdf" Dim ExpBuffer(ExStream.Length) As Byte ExStream.Read(ExpBuffer, 0, CType(ExStream.Length, Integer)) Response.BinaryWrite(ExpBuffer) Response.End() This code works just fine for me. Cesar
  2. Never mind, I figured it out. Had to add the CommandName and CommandArgument properties to the buttons as I created them to make them command buttons, and then bubble the click event of the buttons to the panel. Worked perfectly.
  3. Have you tried: e.Item.Cells(8).ReadOnly = True Hope it helps, Cesar
  4. Thanks Jeff, worked beautifully. Just added a few spacers to make it look good and now I have dynamic button generation based on the contents of an .ini file. The problem I have now is... How do I handle the button click event? I am trying to use the CommandName and CommandArgument properties, but they apparently do nothing without having the OnCommand property set, and that is a protected property that I cannot access programatically. Is there a generic button click event that is raised whenever any button is clicked? Any ideas? Thanks, Cesar
  5. Hello, I am trying to create buttons on a weform at runtime, based on entries from an .ini file. I can read the file just fine, but I am not sure how to dynamically create button controls on the form, or how to locate them in an orderly fashion. Should I use the repeater control? Should I use a datagrid? Can I just create a button right onto the form programatically? I know it can be done, I just don't know how to approach it. Thanks, Cesar
  6. Update: If I use the ReportDocument.ExportToDisk method to export the report to a PDF file on disk, then it does function properly. Not when I stream it though. Interesting.
  7. Hello, I have the following problem: Using VS.NET, in VB, I am loading a report file (.rpt) into a report document object. During runtime, I modify the RecordSelectionFormula property to filter on a user entered criteria, and then I stream the report out as a PDF doc. The problem I have is that the RecordSelectionFormula has no effect at all. If I bind a report viewer object to the report document object, then the filter works, but if I stream out as PDF, it does not. The ONLY difference in the code is to either bind a report viewer to the report document or stream the report doc out as PDF. The original reports were created with CR 8.5. Any ideas? Is this a bug in Crystal? Any help wouldbe appreciated. Thanks
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