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Everything posted by FYRe

  1. How do I programatically set my OpenFileDialog (OFD) settings so that every time I open an OFD will be in for example, Thumbnails mode? You Know like Under View then details.
  2. Could you give me an example of what you've just mentioned ?? thks
  3. I have a folder of images to be opened. By using OpenFileDialog (OFD), I managed to open the folder and select a particular image. I understand that a user can also select the directory to open a file or folder. After opening the first image in the folder, I would like to have a button "NEXT" on the form, so that when I click the button, the next image in the folder can be viewed. I also managed to extract the Current Directory of the OFD by using " CurDir() ". So my question is: What codes should I write for the " NEXT " button so that when I click the button, the next image in the folder can be viewed ?
  4. I have a problem here :-\ ... I'm trying to make a counter which when a user continuously clicks on a button, the value increases by 1. At the same time,the value is also being displayed in a textbox.
  5. Well, did you know that you could atually zip the .exe file? So, .zip is acceptable =)
  6. I suggest that you attach an example of the code to this forum, so that we could take a look at the problem?
  7. For Loop To do so in a loop is possible, but I can't recall how to. :D You'll need to do so using a for loop. Despite unable to recall, I did a solution (see attached file). Though it seems quite long, it's just one of the many ways that work. I'd be glad if someone could come up with a solution to this problem too. I'd like to find out about it too.... WindowsApplication1.zip
  8. Ok, let me get this clearly, you mentioned that: Mousewheel forward, or up, e.delta = 120; Mousewheel backward, or down, e.delta = -120 does a "Mousewheel forward/backward" means ONE notch of a Mouse Scroll? or generally scrolling the MouseWheel ? Are the statements below TRUE ? Meaning ONE notch forward: e.Delta = 120 TWO notch forward: e.Delta = 240 THREE notch forward: e.Delta = 360 etc... Meaning ONE notch backward: e.Delta = -120 TWO notch backward: e.Delta = -240 THREE notch backward: e.Delta = -360 etc...
  9. Mouse Wheel Event/ Rotation thks... it works! Now I have another query, But how do I know how many "notch" the wheel is rotated? - Each mouse wheel rotation have a notch. - How do I determine how many notches have been turned; both forward and backwards ? :confused:
  10. I am trying to create an event which, when you scroll the mouse wheel UPwards, an event occur, & when you scroll the mouse wheel DOWNwards, an event will occur. Is anyone familiar with using MouseWheel Event, in VS 2003 ? or is there some other Event that can be used? I need example/s or maybe tutorial/s a.s.a.p. for my project. thks, FYRe
  11. Make sure your directory in which DATA.txt is located, is correct. the first "sr.ReadLine", reads the first line of the DATA.txt the 2nd "sr.ReadLine", reads the 2nd, and so on ... Example2.zip
  12. FYRe


    Substring & IndexOf -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sure, that's not much of a problem. (See attached file) Try these 2 : "str.Substring(m, n)" : where str is a string, consisting of n characters beginning with the character in position m of string : � extract n number of characters, starting from the m th character. � Eg. Dim str As String = "testing" Dim str2 As String str2 = str.Substring(1, 3) ' str2 has a value of "est" "str.IndexOf(str2) " : Eg. Dim str As String = "testing" Dim str2 As String str2 = str.IndexOf("stin") ' str2 has a value of "2" [ note that in such cases, strings are numbered (from left to right), from 0,1,2,3, ... not 1,2,3,4, .... ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Substring & IndexOf.zip
  13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ByVal & ByRef are not the same... (refer to attached pic.) "ByVal" passes the whole value from the Private Sub main to the function. And if the function involves arithmetic calculations, and the value is returned back to the Private Sub main, the value returned is the new value. However, "ByRef", copies the value into the function. Meaning, the value in the Private Sub main remains the same. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. try check it out here: http://www.dotnetmonster.com/Uwe/Misc/SR.aspx?p=memory+space
  15. well, I don't think you can do so, although it is possible to set the default window directory for the OpenFileDialog, but not remove/ get rid of "my computer" and other icons on the left hand side of the ofd? Anyway, why would you want to remove those icons ???
  16. as for that, I'm not too sure if it can automatically display the associated thumbnail by file type... maybe you can try out this link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/ .. try searching for "ListView"
  17. I think you misunderstood... =) nvm, from Step 2) Click on the ListView on your form. Go to its "Items" properties menu. Click on "(Collection)" button [...] A ListViewItem Collector Editor window pops-up. Click on "Add" button to add a ListViewItem. In the same "ListViewItem Collector Editor pop-up window", there is a ListViewItem property, "ImageIndex". Click on the drop-down menu and select the preferred image that you have uploaded onto ImageList. Note: ListView window is not the same as ListViewItem window.
  18. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for getting rid of the "My Computer" and other icons on the left hand side on the OFD, I don't think it's possible, but there is a way to set the default view in the OFD. Select an OpenFileDialog component, and click it onto your form. Click on the OFD thumbnail below your form and look at its properties window. Look for the property "InitialDirectory". Enter you directory there, for example, if you wish to set the defalut view as Desktop, enter the following in the "InitialDirectory" : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I've tried it out, and.. it's possible. Follow these steps : 1) Insert am "ImageList" component by clicking on it and then click on Form. 2) In the ImageList's property window, look for "Images" property. Click on Collections[...]. Click "Add" to add images one at a time. When you are done, press OK. 3) In the ListView's property window, there's a property called "LargeImageList". Click on its drop-down menu, and select "ImageList1" In the same properties window for ListView, look for "Items" property. Click on Collections[...]. 4) Add the necessary ListViewItem/s by clicking add. In the ListViewItem window, if you wish to add thumbnails in your ListView, click on the drop-down menu "ImageIndex" & select your preferred thumbnail. Voila ! Done. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. .dll Just wondering of how to view the ".dll" file. Does anyone knows how ?
  21. how to open a file with extension ".dll" ? Using which program ?
  22. FYRe


    thks... it works! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It works! thk u very, very much. No wonder you're an E.X.P.E.R.T. But, too bad, I'm almost bald figuring out a solution. :( Juz jokin. :D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. FYRe


    hmmm... I've been scratchin' my head, until I'm almost bald; tryin' to figure out a solution. It's about using VB .NET and a .dll program. Somehow, it can't seem to work. The following problem lies in an error when program is compiled & run : ! Name PicCountCard is not declared.[/COLOR]. Can anyone help me find out what's wrong with my programming? See attached : - DynamicLinkLabel (DLL) - DynamicLinkLabel (DLL).sln - Pics.dll thks, FYRe DynamicLinkLabel (DLL).zip
  24. How do you call a function which located on another form? :-\
  25. Do I have to put the codes u have written in a ' Class' : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Class Win32 .. ... ' your codes here .... End Class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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