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  1. Sorry I was most unclear in my first post. I'm actually trying to change the name of a column on an ACCESS database... So I really need the SQL to change it, or if there is another round - about method... i.e. can you extract the schema to a dataset, change the column name and update the database that way?
  2. Hello there :) I'm creating a multi database interface and one of the things I want to do is let the user change the column name. I am finding huge difficulty in finding the code to alter a columns name. Adding or deleting a column seems a piece of .... So er yeah... can anyone point me in the right direction please? :)
  3. No need to say sorry mate... I just wasnt as clear as I should have been i guess :)
  4. Yeah Im not saying its not easy nor very good if you want that kind of thing. Im after a window, rather than a notification window. By the code sample you've given it looks like it fails two pretty big hurdles: 1) Supports text only... I need text / pictures / buttons / textboxes. 2) Is only there for a limited amount of time. I want it to stay until the user clicks close. Thanks for the suggestion, and I'm defo going to keep the link as I can think of 101 projects where something like that is useful, but just not this one :(
  5. Diesels post should be deleted. Who plays ace low?! :P
  6. Yeah Im not sure that will help, as I really need to to be like... a well placed context menu (but wider and more customisable in terms of having input boxes etc). Will have a go at some of the suggestions when Ive finally got text and a button in a datagrid column... which is proving harder than I thought it would be. Thanks for the kind comment too mskeel - but it obviously isnt april fools yet :P
  7. Thanks for the input guys! I was thinking about doing a form, but then I thought if I create a new form from a mdi child, wont that freeze the whole program (while waiting for activity), rather than just the child window its being called / created from? Ideally I just want the window its being created in being "froze" and not the parent window.... also want to avoid multi threading. I dont think Im 'pro' enough to try that or some crazy API - just dont think im at that level yet. Thanks again for the input :)
  8. duh.... an even better example would be the "search" button on these very forums! Input box / button / stays visible even when the mouse leaves the "search" area and doesnt stop me viewing other programs etc.
  9. Obviously Im not looking for code -> just a pointer :) http://img455.imageshack.us/img455/2369/object4cg.png Im creating a datagrid column object with a button and when they click the button I want something like the above to appear (obviously with different controls; a few input boxes and buttons etc. Anyways what I want to know is what kind of control it is, and how would I make it? I kind of want it to act like that annoying bubble you get in the system tray (saying windows has updates available etc); so it should stay there until a user click close etc -> but only in the child windows (application is a MDI and I only want it to be on the child document). So er yeah, if someone can point me in the right direction I would be mucho greatful. Thanks in advance :)
  10. Hi again :) Right a few (hopefully simple) questions in regard to drag drop. What i want to do is drag an item from a list view on a panel. On the item being dropped the text in the item (which refers to a table) is taken and used to create an ERD item control. Now I have this working, however I cant find the mouse position in regards to the panel! When I drop the item onto the panel, its meant to create the control at the point, but its missing by a mile and ive discovered the x and y properties from the dragevent is around the whole programs 0,0! So my first questions is.... how can i find out the proper place to draw the item... is there a way to find the mouses position on the panel and not the whole program in the dragdrop event? My second question.... dragdropeffect -> does this only affect the icon and nothing else, or is there some more stuff being run in the background that should affect which one i chose? Thanks :)
  11. Not that I know of - ie as you have done there. What you could do is have the data you want to add in the column in an array and then loop through... ie string[] strExample = new string[] { "one", "two", "three" }; foreach( string strSingle in strExample ) { drNewRow = dtDataTable.NewRow(); drNewRow[ intOfColumnYouAreAddingDataToo ] = strSingle; dtDataTable.Rows.Add( drNewRow ); } Im pretty new to all this C# stuff, but if I wanted to populate a single column in a datatable thats what I'd do :)
  12. Just as the columns have mapping names that need to match, so does the actual datatablestyle! What I normally do, to make sure they match is, just before adding the table style (but after binding the datagrid) I will do: tableStyle.MappingName = ((DataTable) dataGrid1.DataSource).TableName Another method is to create the DataTable with a name: Dim MyDataTable As DataTable = New DataTable ("usher") (and then use the datatable as the datasource, rather than one of the datasets tables). Im not great with vb so ive written the first in C# -> hope it points you in the right direction :)
  13. Wow! Not sure if thats a piece of code you have found, or knocked up your self but thank you! Thats very similar to what I need :) Just will spend a bit more time defining its looks etc, but a great base. Thank you :)
  14. control.locked = true?
  15. Hi, Er could you explain what that is actually for? The picture I gave is kind of like a form within part of a form (well thats the plan... a mdi form with a listview on the left and in the right panel MANY of these little forms). I'm not quite sure what your code does, but what i need is pointers as to how i would create this look... I was thinking it was a form with the onpaint overridden and some how a button placed up in the right hand corner, but as I said - not sure how to do that kind of funky stuff! Regards.
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