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  1. Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question - I couldn't think of a better place. Anyway, I've finally finished something I think other people might like to have, but I've only been able to test it on a couple of systems. I'd like to post a free beta version somewhere, in hopes that people will make bug reports if they discover any problems. But I'm not sure where I could post such a thing. I was hoping I could get some advice on how to get beta testers, or where I could post a beta version, etc. Thanks! Mick
  2. I'm trying to write a program that adds a menuitem to the contextmenu of any textboxes in any windows program. The menuitm I'm talking about has a submenu with a number of choices, each choice does a different thing - but what each choice does is not important for this question. I know I can create a system-wide mouse hook to catch right-clicks on any application on the system - but once I've done that, I want to display whatever contextmenu the application in question uses for text boxes, but with my added item as well. Is this possible? How can I do it? I know how to do the hook part of it so I don't need that explained to me - although, if it's possible to do it without the mouse hook, that would probably be even better. I would prefer doing it with .NET - I know a system-wide hook requires unmanaged code, that's no problem, I'll write that part in c++. I would prefer to write the rest of it in VB.net or c#.net. Thanks
  3. I have a datagrid bound to a dataset. The user of my application can make the usual changes to it. I have a "save" button to save the changes or additions to the underlying database. My "save changes" routine uses the GetChanges method to determine which records have been changed, and then it uses OleDbDataAdapter InsertCommands or UpdateCommands as appropriate. At the end, I call the AcceptChanges method of the dataset. It seems to be working fine. I see that sometimes (maybe always?) people preceed the AcceptChanges command with a Merge command, merging the original dataset with the one created by the GetChanges command. My question is, is this necessary? Why? Thanks
  4. Thanks for your help. How do I go about attaching a method of the form to all the blobs? I mean considering that the Blobs are created at run time. The code I have that adds new Blobs when necessary looks like this: Dim newblob As Blob = New Blob ...several properties of newblob are set.. Me.Controls.Add(newblob) Do I need to add something to attatch the method on the form to the newbob? Thanks again in advance :)
  5. I have this user control I made called a Blob. The blob is a small control that has a panel on it, covering the entire control, and a label on the top half of the panel. And I have a Form with a number of Blobs on them. I�ve managed to get the Blob, each of them, to respond to a click on the panel (the part that isn�t covered by the label) by popping up a message box that identifies the Blob � by putting a message box in the Panel�s Mouse_Down handler (the message box displays a property of the Blob called �longname� � each Blob has a different one). However, I don�t know how to pass the longname (or some other id) back to the form that the Blob is on. I don't even know how to get the form to realize that a Blob has been clicked on, in addition to which blob it was. Putting something in the MouseDown handler of the form itself only reacted when I clicked on a part of the form that was not covered by a Blob. Thanks in advance.
  6. I have a sub that does the following: it creates a dataview based on a table called theTable - which is declared elsewhere in the code. Then I assign a rowfilter, and then I attempt to add every resulting row from the dataview into the listbox. However, the listbox ends up showing every row, as if there is no filter at all. Here is the code: Dim sound As String Dim dv1 As DataView = New DataView(theTable) sound = lstSounds.SelectedItem.ToString dv1.RowFilter = "pronunciation = 'Nopronunciationgiven'" Dim row As DataRow lstResults.Items.Clear() For Each row In dv1 lstResults.Items.Add(row.Item("wordname")) Next Theoretically this should add every "wordname" where pronunciation = "Nopronunciationgiven" to lstResults. However, the wordname of every row of the table gets added to the list, instead of just the ones where pronunciation = "Nopronunciation" What am I doing wrong?
  7. Thanks for you suggestion Denaes - I suppose I could also save the project on my 20gig mp3 player. But I'm suprised VS doesn't have some convenient way of moving a project inbetween computers.
  8. What is the easiest way of working on one project with two different computers using Visual Studio.NET? I work on my projects at work and at home. Usually this means transferring the project files back and forth between the two computers. This gets to be a hassle and risks accidentally deleting files that I need (like for instance if I forget which computer has the most recent version of a certain file). Is there some way of automating the process? Is it possible to save the project on a website and have both computers access it via the web? Any other advice about working on one project with two computers would be appreciated :) :) Thanks!
  9. I have a simple .NET database application I�m writing � it simply stores a bunch of words and their pronunciations. My application was working fine � the database in question had 2 tables. One of those tables, called �table1� had two fields � wordname and pronunciation. Yesterday, I added another field to that table with Access (it�s an access database). I edited my program to access the new field but I keep getting messages that the field doesn�t exist � even though I see that field in the table in the server explorer! It�s like the dataset isn�t updated or something. But when it connects at the beginning of the program, wouldn�t it see the new field and know it�s there? Am I missing something at a basic level? ADO.NET confuses me with all the various ways of creating connections, etc. Any help would be much appreciated.
  10. Thank you, but that site, although it seems to have the necessary information, doesn't actually let you search for certain pronunciations - it just gives you the pronunciation of a word you type in. I didn't download it though, so maybe the offline thing does what I'm looking for. Either way, I'm still interested in doing it myself, so if you have any thoughts... :) Mick
  11. I'm in the process of creating a special kind of rhyming dictionary. Basically the idea is I have a database with 1 table with 2 fields. The fields are the word itself, and a string describing the pronunciation (typically something like "b-uh-d-ee"). What I want the program to be able to do is allow the user to search for words with certain pronunciation patterns, such as having 3 syllables with the accent on the second syllable, which must sound like "ow", or a two syllable word that rhyms with "baker" but has the accent on the second syllable. The question is, what is the most efficient way of storing the dictionary in memory. I could store all the words/pronunciation pairs in a huge array, and then search through each one for a pronunciation that matches the wanted pattern. I see there are things such as a dictionary object, and a hashtable collection (if I have that right) but I don't know which would be the best thing to use. Or maybe there's some completely better way. Any suggestions about how to ensure that the searches are as fast as possible would be very much appreciated! If I haven't made clear what I am looking for please let me know and I'll give more details. Thanks! Mick
  12. That's a good question, do you have any suggestions about that? The way it is now, I have a readme file that tells the user to go to windowsupdate - but I don't particularly like that solution because for those people who are less computer-literate, it's not necessarily so obvious how to get the .NET framework from windowsupdate - because it's not a "critical" update.
  13. I�d like to know if people consider this a good strategy for distributing my software, which is a small shareware program. On my website I plan on putting two versions of my software � one with the .NET Framework bootstrapper and one without. That way users who know they have the framework already can download the much smaller version. If they attempt to install that version and they don�t have the .NET framework, I will have a message direct them to download the version of my software that has the .NET bootstrapper with it. Please let me know any opinions or issues you may know of. Thanks :)
  14. I have a VB.NET application called "Tray" that I created and a setup project created with the setup wizard. Everything works fine, except I noticed a small bug with the program. So I fixed the bug, but no matter what I do, the setup program installs the application with the bug, and not the new version! I can't imagine why this is. In addition to installing the previous buggy version of Tray, none of the changes I make to the File System in the setup project seem to take hold. I originally had a file called "readme.htm" in the "User's Programs Menu." However, it was suppoed to be "readme.rtf" - so I delete the "readme.htm" from the file system, put in a shortcut to the readme.rtf file, and yet when I rebuild and reinstall the application, readme.htm is still there! It's as if none of the changes I make matter, because it keeps installing the old version of "Tray" with the old filesystem. By the way, I have been installing the program by right-clicking on the setup project in the Solution Explorer, clicking "build" and then right clicking on it again and clicking "install". What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
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