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  1. i am new to .net and i am using 2003.Can any one help me with a simple C# or Vb.net program to connect to a oracale 8.0.5 database and pass some values to a stored procedure. thanks, shankar
  2. In run time i wanted to check and see if there is an error bcs of out of memory. Is there a way to catch this exception in run time?. If there is i just want to show a Message box saying that some exception has occured.
  3. i was just trying to select the first item in the Dropdown box.I solved it foreach (Control ctrl in ctrls.Controls) { if(ctrl is ComboBox) { ComboBox theComboBox = (ComboBox)ctrl; if(theComboBox.Items.Count == 1) { theComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } this code worked for me.
  4. controls I have a for loop which looks into all the controls and finds out if any one is a combo box.here is the code foreach (Control ctrl in ctrls.Controls) { if(ctrl is ComboBox) { } } inside the if loop i wanted to select the first vaule in the collections in all the combo box.i am not sure of how to do it here inside the if loop.Can any one help me in this?
  5. I did turn off the customErrors in webconfig file <customErrors mode="off" /> and it worked.
  6. It gives a error called "message: 'Server encoutered an internal error. for more information, turn on the customErrors in server's .config file'" when i deploy it in the server with the ex as "sever_exception" but when i compile it in the local machine it works properly and the ex vaule is "concurrency_exception" and it goes into the if block and displays the message i have typed
  7. have any idea of what will i have to use instead of the string "CONCURRENCY_EXCEPTION"
  8. am using remoting here and when i tryed to google for this problem in internet some ppl have sugested to use <customErrors mode="on" /> and i have used this in the webconfig file of the server but it still dosen't work
  9. I am using remoting here
  10. private void HandleUnhandledExceptions(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); if(ex.Message == "CONCURRENCY_EXCEPTION") { MessageBox.Show("This record has been updated since you opened it. Please close the record and re-open it."); } else { GlobalUI.DisplayFatalErrorMessage(); } if((ex.Message != "SERVER_EXCEPTION") && (ex.Message != "CONCURRENCY_EXCEPTION")) { ServiceObj.LogClientException(ex); } // //TODO if an exception occurs inside frmMain, this would close active form which would not be expected behavior. // //need to resolve. // if (this.ActiveMdiChild != null) // { // this.ActiveMdiChild.Dispose(); // } }
  11. I am using .net 1.1 and i am trying to catch CONCURRENCY_EXCEPTION and throw a message for that exception using the code if(ex.Message == "CONCURRENCY_EXCEPTION") { MessageBox.Show("This record has been updated since you opened it. Please close the record and re-open it."); } it works when i try to compile it in my machine but after deploying the code it does not catch this error.It just give a general "Server encountered an internal error". Can any one help me in this.
  12. I have a combobox and i have a text size(collections) which is longer than the combobox size. I do not want to use the dropdownlist as style.I just want to use Dropdown style. When i use combobox style as dropdown style and If i select the text which is longer then the combobox then it accomodates the last "n" number of letters it can accomodiate and shows that.Is there a way to show the first "n" number of alphebates it can accomodate.
  13. I have one more question is there any kind of outof focus event in combobox. My aim is to automatically fire some events when user goes out of focus of combobox
  14. yes thankyou techman.
  15. Like on Keypress or ontextchange even of the combo box i am lookiing to expand the dropdown box
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