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Everything posted by sjn78

  1. Is there any free software or a method of picking a system dll and showing what functions it contains and its parameters? Didn't NT and earlier have quickview? I have seen some software that you can buy, but hey, if I can find a free one then thats even better. Or is there a place on the net that lists all of them. I tried Microsofts website and didn't have any luck....never can find anything there!
  2. Found a website a fair while ago for XP http://www.tweakxp.com Never really tried any of the performance tweaks, so I don't know how reliable they are. Plenty of other cool things you can do to modify XP though.
  3. Only if Option Strict is On. But by the code that was posted, I would have to say its not on.
  4. Label14.Text = Math.Round(CDbl(Label16.Text) - 0.01) May have to change the 0.01 depends on how many decimal places you end up with after your calcs.
  5. An obvious mistake I found!!, But not sure if you just left it out in the post. You have: Label14 = Math.Round(Label16.Text, 0) Change to Label14.Text = Math.Round(Label16.Text, 0)
  6. Put up the segment of code, not just the one line but the entire section where you are trying to populate the label
  7. Try Label14 = Math.Round(cint(Label16.Text), 0) *Post Edit Label14 = cint(Label16.Text) If label16 is 45.3, then cint(45.3) would give 45 as integers are whole numbers anyway. Just tried it and CInt() rounds a decimal to a whole number so Math.Round is not needed.
  8. Just type round in help. There is plenty of information on rounding and examples.
  9. I think the biggest problem people have is that they know that computers can do everything for them. Their mindset is 'I don't have to learn to spell, add, subtract etc because Word has spell checker' and so on. I knew someone who wanted a music CD burnt and she was a Graduate Psychologist. I spent nearly half an hour working out what music she wanted because the spelling was so shocking. It's the same here at work. I will spend a week doing a huge task that is not easy, and then someone will see it and say they want the same thing by the next day. I tell them thats its not possible so they will take the job externally and get consultants to do it, which ends costing them twice as much, takes twice as long and they quality is poor. My work is far better than the consultants but do I get paid their wages? Far from it. This is starting to go away from the original post, but oh well, it's my rant of the day!! Some people have no concept on what it takes to do many things nowadays and I think this will cause huge problems later on when someone with all of the knowledge in specific software or project leaves the company. Who will pick up from were they left off?
  10. Well, how secure are password protected Excel spreadsheets? Not very. It is very easy to download a macro to break the password. And I assume databases would be the same. I'm not saying your wrong, but look at the latest security risk from Microsoft. It seems there are ways around anything whether you are trying to find it or just happen to stumble across it.
  11. Ok, then what is the majority of mainstream programs written in? Isn't it C++? If so why, where C# would seem to be the more common sense approach going by Wryd's comments.
  12. Ok, I am partly through my software engineering course and done the c and c++ subjects. But what makes C# unique to the others. C++ is hydrid (call it what you like) of C, so where does C# fit in to the picture? I guess it is based on C, but what does it do, or won't do, as in C++ is OO whereas C is not.
  13. Have you contacted winzip?? Maybe, they have a method built in to the program (that is not know to anyone) to unlock the zip?? Or if the file isn't too big, you may be able to send it to them and see what they can achieve.
  14. Thats what I thought. Thanks
  15. Can you write to a text file at a specific location? I am witing an app that stores all of the data in a singular text file. And no, I cannot use databases as I need the program to not be dependant on 3rd party software eg, Access or SQL. The user may change a record that resides on line 100. Now, can I read in the file, get the line number for that record, then output the new change to that specific line? I started out using an array to store each line, but looking ahead, the text file may become very large. Thanks for any help.
  16. sjn78


    I thought about that and will most likely go that way, but can you still do what I asked in the previous post??
  17. sjn78


    I have a structure as follows Structure Players Dim Player1 as String Dim Player2 as String ....... and so on End Structure If I now define a new object using this structure, is there a way to query through each of its 'children' eg, Dim Team as New Players() Dim i as Integer = 1 ' Some code to find Team.Players1 since i = 1 but if i = 2, then use Team.Players2. ' Then I can jump to a function specific to what player is current. Team.Player?? (the one that matches to i) then do something else. The way I am thinking about this is the same way you would loop through all of the controls on a form and look for a match in the controls name or text. I know I could do it with a Select Case or If statements, but I am trying to do it without having to code a few hundreds lines. Thanks Steve
  18. I have done a similar thing, but mine was displaying images tiled on the screen, as in windows explorer with the thumbnail view. I found that when the page was filled with the tiled images, it could use up to 70-80mB in virtual memory. What I did was to use gc.collect after each image was drawn. This seemed to throw away a lot of the memory used to create each image and kept it down around 10-15mB of VM. Steve
  19. I read that in VB6, Dll's that were created could only be used in a vb project. What is the case for VB.Net. I have some other software where I can make a program that will use Dll's. So, can Dll's from VB.Net be used anywhere or just within the other .Net supportive languages. Oh yeh, another question relating to dll's. Could I use, say the shell32.dll, and grab the icons from it and use them in a project? Thanks
  20. OK, thanks..I did a search but it didn't show your post.
  21. I have a Listview and it is displaying the items as Large Icons. Is it possible to move the icons to where you want as in Windows Explorer? Thanks
  22. Thats just what I need. Just have to now implement it into my project. Thanks
  23. I have a few hexagon shaped regions on my form that lie next to each other. Similar to a honeycomb structure. How do I detect using the mouse x and y what region I have clicked in. I will run trough a loop that create points for the 6 corners of the hexagon to give it its bounds. It would be simple enough if it was a rectangle, but this is a little different. I saw on another post that you can use a Contains() method to see if it is in there. But since I am here asking this question, it is obvious I can't find how to do it. Any help would be great.
  24. Thanks for the comments. I know there will be a lot of code that could be more efficient and just need to look over it to find better methods. I am playing around with another game now, using GDI to do the graphics. Once I figure it all out, I will go back and change the graphics on the Tetris game.
  25. This is my first go at a game. Its a Tetris game (yet another one made). Still have a couple of little bugs in it. I have attached it for anyone to look at or comment on. The code isn't commented, so good luck in navigating through it. A few parts of code in there are probably a bit long winded, but for a first go at making a game, I'm reasonably happy with it. Feel free to say what you like about it, as I will definitley learn more from your comments and suggestions. Oh yeah, it's in VB. Steve tetris.zip
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