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Everything posted by sjn78

  1. Dim Read_status1 As New System.IO.StreamReader(nume2) Dim count As Integer = 0 Dim Line1 As String = Read_status1.ReadLine() Do While Not Line1 Is Nothing Dim values_status1() = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Line1, ControlChars.Tab) Try Dim val As Integer = CInt(values_status1(0)) If val < 15 Then count += 1 End If Catch End Try Line1 = Read_status1.ReadLine() Loop Read_status1.Close()
  2. I used all of the wizard type setups for the connection and data adapter. So basically, there is only 1 line of code, and that is to fill the dataset when the form loads.
  3. But doesn't the ShowDialog method only allow you to access the current form and not the ones below? I need to be able to access the ones under it and to keep the top form on display. Doesn't matter though as I have it working with the method I posted earlier.
  4. Don't worry, got it. Never even thought about this. Dim f as new frmwhatever f.owner = me f.show()
  5. I know you can use the TopMost property to keep a form on top, but how do you set your form to stay topmost just in your app? I would like this topmost form to be a form similar to photoshops toolbar type windows that will sit on top but when the program is minimised, these forms hide as well.
  6. When minimized it doesn't show it on my screen so thats why I suggested it. I know what you mean *Ick*...have seen it many times in programs and its ugly.
  7. sjn78


    Do you want your font to be displayed or a default font if it doesn't exist?
  8. I tried this once without too much success but it should be able to be done..didn't have the time when I was trying it. Setup a global x and splitter pos variable and on the Splitter MouseDown I think, grab your mouse x and splitter position. Then on the mousemove event I think or it may be splitter moved, make sure the mouse button is depressed and get the mouse x position again. Then calc the change of movement (xNewPos - x) and then add that difference to the orginal position of the splitter. Then redraw your form. I don't think the method above will work properly at first, but you should be able to get something to work along those lines.
  9. I got around this once by setting the WindowState to Minimize and not showing the form in the taskbar, then of course putting the values back when the form became active.
  10. I'm at work now, so I can't copy the code exaclty. The data is all on my local drive and i'm using Access. There are only about 7 fields in the table. On my form I have the OleDBConnection, OleDBAdapter & a Dataset. Then when the form loads I just call the fill method, think it is: OleDBAdapter.Fill(Dataset) Everything else to do with the connection and SQL is set in the controls on the designer. It's pretty basic stuff and the form has nothing else on it to slow it down. Thanks
  11. You can set the HideSelection property to False. Only thing is that when the control loses focus, it changes your selected item colour to the control colour and not stay blue (Thats is your system colours are standard) You may be able to override this by code, I'm not sure haven't tried. *EDIT dynamic_sysop's post wan't there when I wrote mine!! lol
  12. I usually hard code any calls to a database when updating, deleting, reading etc, but now I am playing with databinding and using the Data controls supplied. I filled a datagird from an Access table and it seems to take a while to do this...there are only 2 records. It hangs for about 2-3 seconds before showing the data. Is this just a datagrid issue or is there a sigificant difference in speed using the built in controls or hard coding it. I haven't done any tests as of yet, so I thought I would see if anyone has tried it out. I would like to use databinding over hardcoding as from what I have seen it saves a lot of time. But if the performance is slower then I will have to think about what will be better in the long run.
  13. Thanks, it's all working now.
  14. Intellisense
  15. I am making a control and have a couple of different options for it in the properties. This all works, but I am trying to find out how to make a certain option appear under a certain tab, eg Appearance, Bahaviour etc. I can only seem to get it to appear in the Misc tab. Thanks Steve
  16. I know where you are coming from. When I did searches on MP3 players, there were tons. How about some antispy software that works? Instead of antispy software that contains its own spy scripts. Even file compression - Look into other methods to compress files smaller than before It all comes down to what your interests are. Look into something that could help your day to day activities.
  17. True, but what if you have never tried it before like myself??? And you also see new MP3 players all the time with something better than the last one. Just look at all the games now. How many spinoffs of Tetris will there be? They are all based on the same gameplay but each one is slightly different that makes it unique and more attractive to one type of person. The wider variety of programming you try has to be a benefit to yourself.
  18. How about MP3 player which has the works, ie obviously play music, edit a songs tags, song libraries, playlists etc. Last night I actually started one. Got it playing the music, volume controls, balance, playlist. It uses DX9 to play the music. So, if anyone is interested in writing one or has one, I would love some extra help in some sound type of stuff. More so with setting a type of equilizer to enable Rock/Pop/Hall/etc type settings. I can post it if anybody is interested in seeing it.
  19. Yeh, I'd say that's what I was thinking.
  20. I tried adding it like you first stated, but you get the error its not a valid dll or something. But I thought I did add it as a reference at some stage and it worked. Must of been dreaming!
  21. This is a little different, but wondering if MeasureString could be used in the following. I am making reports and need to show data in columns. Problem is with TT Fonts, the letter widths all vary, so it's hard to align them to so they look right justified. Is the MeasureString accurate enough to be able to work out the start position and end up having them aligned correctly.
  22. I am pretty sure that I added a DLL as a reference to a project once and I could user the DLL and get to its functions. I have VB.Net Standard 2002 if that is any help. I'm pretty sure I added User32.dll to it and then I could do something like this, Start typing User32. and then the intellisense would kick in giving me a list of functions. Should this happen or I might be thinking of something I did in another language.
  23. DateTimePicker1.MinDate = Today
  24. If you have VB.Net Standard version you can't. But there is a way to be able to do it.... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49406
  25. You may have this on a button click event on your main form. dim f as new frmUpdater me.visible = false ' Hides main form f.show ' Opens new form me.visble = true ' Shows main form once the new form is closed
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