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Everything posted by sjn78

  1. Its a form with 15 people on it and each person has about 10 fields required to be filled in. It is on a tabpage, with 4 pages and these fields are on each one. I have looked at grid view but don't like it. I have decided to use a listview instead, but have the required fields at the bottom of the form and then have a button to add/delete them to the listview.
  2. No, you have got it right. I think I have figured out a simpler and quicker way though...have the standard set of textboxes with the fields required at the bottom and use a listview/listbox to fill the rest of the form to show each records entered in the form....less coding and memory usage that way. Thanks anyway, good to know how to solve that problem Steve
  3. Why not read it into a memo field in your database? Steve
  4. I have a major problem...how to manage a form with over 500 textboxes. Initially, I created all of the objects on the form itself, but to give tham all a meaningful name is painful. I then created the textboxes through coding using arrays. This would seem to be the best way, although, how do you access a particular txtbox in the code. I have a sub where the textboxes are loaded in and manipultaing them in that sub is fine, but how do you acccess them from another sub.....since they dont really exist until the form is loaded. Maybe there is a better way to do this though.... Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated Steve
  5. Thanks for that...saved me a lot of hassles.
  6. Now when using the mailto process, is there a way to fill in fields such as the subject and body? Thanks Steve
  7. Ok, that was what I was looking for in the beginning but got sidetracked and used outlook. Thanks DiverDan
  8. yes, i am trying to send mail. I have a database that stores names and emails. It is a bit like a mail program, but it is only used to send messages. I have tried using the mail that comes with vb without any success. Thanks Steve
  9. Ok, since the dll's I am using are from Outlook would they work with outlook express or is there another set or dll's for that? Would be good if that worked since express comes on most pc's with windows nowadays. Thanks for your help.
  10. I have setup my program using outlooks dll's to send email. I am a little unsure how dll's work, but here is the question. What if the program runs on a pc without outlook? What will happen? Will it throw an error and not send the email, or can it manage with the dll's alone. Thanks Steve
  11. Have you thought about creating an mdi application? I could do it that way, but i am unsure how to do it with 3 seperate forms
  12. Yeh, I found it. I was having a mind blank and then I tried to come back here and delete the post, but couldn't
  13. I have an options type of form showing from the main form. This options form is being shown as dialog. What event is there to use when the options form is closed and the main form is the active one again? Thanks Steve
  14. Create a sub in the form that handles all of the textbox's. Eg Sub CheckForChanges (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtbox1.TextChanged, txtbox2.TextChanged ischanges = true End Sub Put each txtbox in there and then in the sub have a global variable as boolean. Then when you close the form see if the ischanges is true so you can save changes. Hope you understand this Steve
  15. I got it to work as per Mutant's suggestion. Thanks Mutant. I don't know what I would do without these forums!!! Steve
  16. Thanks for the suggestions, I will try it out and let you know how I went. Steve
  17. This has got me puzzled. I have a combobox on the a parent form which has mdi children. The combo is used sort of like a filter. EG, 2000, 2001. The idea of it is to limit the records to only show the ones in the year selected. When I change the year, I want all of the mdi children that are open to call a predetermined function on their own form to run through and select records for that year only. I can run through each open window ok, but when it comes to calling the function, it tells me there is no object. This is what I have so far. This function is on the main form where the combobox is. Function SeasonPick(ByVal sea As String) Dim win As Form showseason = sea For Each win In Me.MdiChildren If win.Name = "FrmManageContacts" Then win.Focus() ' I want to be able to do the following.....its not right though. win.TreePopulate(showseason) End If Next The TreePopulate is the function on the FrmManageContacts form. I have made this function Public. If anyone could help out, it would be great. Steve
  18. sjn78


    I havent used the VB one much, but can you import an image and edit it in the icon editor? Steve
  19. Ok, I thought there was a way to loop throught the file then stop at the specific line, then change it. I am actually trying tp write an ini file, but I have read xml files are better to use know but I have no idea where to start with them. Are there any good places with examples of them to help me get started? Thanks Steve
  20. sjn78


    I found a few good programs on the net. Just do a search for Icon Editor and there are plenty. You can import any type of image then save them as ico file. Most are 30 day trial programs, but that will get you started. You can then bring them into VB and edit them again using the internal tools of VB.
  21. I need to be able to write to a specific line in a text file. I can get the line number where I want the text to go, but actually writing to that line is the problem. If anyone can help me out it would be great. Thanks Steve
  22. Without doing too complex procedures to clear memory, what would be the best way to do the following to reduce memory usage. Would creating the data adapters and sources in a module where I can access them throughtout the app be better than creating them each time I need them and then disposing of them? I have tried doing it in a module so i can call it when I need them and when compared to creating the adapter and source in each instance I use them, the memory is less for using the module. I would of thought that only creating the adapters and then disposing of them where I needed them would use less memory. Any comments of suggestions would be great Steve
  23. Thanks for that. its e.cancel = True
  24. I have got an options form where I keep track of any changes. If the user clicks the X on the form, I display the dialog to save changes with YES|NO|Cancel With YES and NO, I will want the form to close after it goes through its routine, but if someone clicks cancel, how to I keep the form open. I have the code to display the dialog in the forms closing event. I just need to know, when someone clicks cancel, how to tell it not to actually close the form. Thanks Steve
  25. Ok, this is what I have FrmMain with the statusbar on it FrmEmail where I am trying to call the sb.text() ClsMain where the sb.text is defined
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