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Xtreme .Net Talk


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About Flyguy

  • Birthday 12/14/1966

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. .Net doesn't come with MS(H)FlexGrid anymore. You can buy the original ActiveX and .NET version at ComponentOne
  2. ' Geen bevestingen vragen objWorkbook.DisplayAlerts = False 'Save het exel werkblad als datum.xls objWorkbook.SaveAs("C:\Program Files\EMTS Laboratory\Enquete\" & datum & ".xls") ' Weer bevestingen vragen objWorkbook.DisplayAlerts = True
  3. Is this about a standalone program or a web application?
  4. Just a direction (code on this page is for VB6): http://www.mvps.org/vbnet/index.html?code/subclass/lvheadernotifications.htm
  5. In VB6 you should also use Nothing: Set myObject = Nothing
  6. Have a look here: http://abstractvb.com/code.asp?A=1020
  7. Just an example. Make sure you have a Text1 control on your form and have set it's index to 0. I also used 2 command buttons (cmdAdd + cmdDelete) Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() Load Text1(1) Text1(1).Move 0, 0 Text1(1).Visible = True End Sub Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() Unload Text1(1) End Sub
  8. Put one instance of all needed controls on the form. Set their index to 0. Now in code you can use the Load statement to add instances of the desired controls.
  9. Just draw a Coolbar on the Form and draw a Toolbar in the Coolbar
  10. Please read the complete thread. In the near future all Windows installation will come with the .net framework. Until then you will have to install the framework yourself before you can deploy your own program. But it only will have to be installed once, when installed it can run all .NET programs
  11. Read some older threads before asking. To run a program created with VS.NET the target machine NEEDS to have the .net framework installed.
  12. Try Google first: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=crystal+reports+vb%2Enet
  13. Would be nice if you told us a little earlier you were using vb.net
  14. Have a look are at MSDN online: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemcollectionscollectionbaseclasslisttopic.asp
  15. Try this: Dim x As Integer x = 3 Text1.Text = Format(x, "@@@") What version of VB or you using?
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