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Everything posted by ahooi

  1. Rowfilter Hi, can you please try to filter the following data using rowfilter and see whether it works or not. Note: Have to escape [ and ].So, [ is written as [[] and ] is written as []] Three records in the database are: 1# [1222 -2201] 3# [1212 - 2200] 12# [1122 - 3201] Let say i want to get the third record with one of the string below, i can get the desired data. '%12%' '%12#%' '%[[]%' '%[]]%' '%[[]1122%' '%[[]1122 - 3201[]]%' '%#%' '%-%' However, i can't get the third record if i use one of thestring below. '%# %' (a space after #) '%# [[]%' '%12# [[]%' '%12# %' (a space after #) '%# [[]1122%' '%12# [[]1122 - 3201[]]%' I think that the reason the rowfilter can't get the correct record is because the # is the reserved word.So, i'm finding the escape letter for #. I can't find any help in MSDN. I also tried [#] and \# but they didn't work. Can you help me?:(
  2. hi, i face some problem in using rowfilter for visual basic.net. As i know, if the string contains either [ or ], then these two characters must be escaped in square bracket like [[] or []]. for example, if the string is "hello[test]", then it must be written as "hello[[]test[]]". Now, i face the problem when the string contains #. Do you know the escape character for #? Please help me!!!!! Thank you. From, Ooi Aik Heng
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