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  1. I have an appication that has a status screen on it. This is a software package and I do not have the source code or anything like that for it. I want to create a VB application that will monitor this status screen in this application for any change, if there is a change of anykind, it will then popup an alert screen and make a beep. The reason for this is due to the fact that the application screen that i want to monitor is a automated job runner at work. We have been having an issue where an job failes but no alert is getting send allthough the status screen is updating. So if I write something like this to monitor this screen for any change I can create my own alert. I hope everybody understands what I mean. :-) I basiclly need to monitor another Windows program with one I write in VB. Any help would be great. I have been looking for examples of how to monitor applications with another application in VB but have been unable to find anything. Thanks!
  2. More... No the code is right and works on everything else just not on this but I think I found the problem. The software its talking to is UNISIS. I found they use some sort of interpiter using InterCom so I think this is whats screwing me. Hell I even tried using chr characters and still nothing past O. I am going to e-mail them and see what they say.
  3. I am having a really strange thing happen to me when I am attempting to use shell.sendkeys on a program called INFOConnect Accessory Manager for UNISIS. Here is the code: private sub sendkeys (byval key as string) shell.sendkeys(key) threading.thread.sleep(500) end sub private sub button2_click (byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles button2.click shell = new iwshruntimelibrary.wshshell shell.appactivate("Accessory Manager") threading.thread.sleep(900) sendkeys("Pack Spring") end sub Now when I try this it spells out: ack ing Thats it!!! :-( I have tried everything to get it to put the rest of the letters in there. I even tried changing it to PPPPPPpppppach Spring and it still droped all the P's. Any ideas as to why it just will not show certain letters and how to fix it maybe? Thanks! ****UPDATED**** Ok I have figured out this much, the program I am attempting to talk to will not take any letters past O. Figure that one out. I have tried breaking it up and everything but if its a letter past O it will not show it. For example if I send: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz It will stop at O Even if I break that whole line into half or just send the second half it will not show.
  4. Uuuumm.... Ummmm.... ok..... How the hell do I do that? Sorry, really new to all this. Thank you
  5. I am trying to figure out how to remove a line of text from a txt file from within VB.NET. This is what my current code looks like, I put a line that says ***** where I know the delete command should go. I can not figure out how to do this. The item that I want to delete is contained with in JobFile dim FILE_NAME as string = (String.format(H:\Operations\{0}\{1}\Master.txt", DayOfWeek, ShiftAssigned)) dim objwriter as new system.io.streamwriter(FILE_NAME, true) dim jobfile as string = CStr(Me.ComboBox3.SelectedItem) ***** The delete command should go here!!!***** Beep() MsgBox("Master List Updated.") Thank you!!!
  6. I have a button on a form that links and starts up a web page in Internet Explorer. The web page has a user name and password login. Is there a way to have a VB.NET application fill in the information automaticlly and log in? Thanks!
  7. I need to find a way to pause to allow time for the TelNet connection to take place and then answer the user name and password when it asks for it. Right now this runs so fast that it goes right through it before the TelNet is ready. Can somebody please show me an example of how I can do this with the code below. Thank you Private Sub TelnetGuiApp_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load m_Socket = New ASOCKETLib.SocketClass m_Constants = New Constants m_Socket.Protocol = m_Constants.asPROTOCOL_TELNET 'Host For FTP Location Dim TXT_HOST As String TXT_HOST = "library.uah.edu" m_Socket.Connect(TXT_HOST, 23) TXT_RESULT.Text = m_Socket.LastError.ToString() & " (" & m_Socket.GetErrorDescription(m_Socket.LastError) & ")" ' User Name For Host Dim TXT_COMMAND As String TXT_COMMAND = "guest" m_Socket.SendString(TXT_COMMAND, 1) TXT_RESULT.Text = m_Socket.LastError.ToString() & " (" & m_Socket.GetErrorDescription(m_Socket.LastError) & ")" ' Password For Host Dim TXT_PASSWORD As String TXT_PASSWORD = "5345" m_Socket.SendString(TXT_PASSWORD, 1) TXT_RESULT.Text = m_Socket.LastError.ToString() & " (" & m_Socket.GetErrorDescription(m_Socket.LastError) & ")" End Sub
  8. Not sure Yeah I tried the thread method but that really did not work, I was thinking I could do some kind of timer or something but I am not sure how I would do it.
  9. I am doing a TelNet deal with VB.NET however I am having one issue, the user name and password is getting sent to fast. How can I slow it down or make the program wait for the telnet to ask me for the user name and then password? Code below: Private Sub TelnetGuiApp_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load m_Socket = New ASOCKETLib.SocketClass m_Constants = New Constants m_Socket.Protocol = m_Constants.asPROTOCOL_TELNET 'Host For FTP Location Dim TXT_HOST As String TXT_HOST = "library.uah.edu" m_Socket.Connect(TXT_HOST, 23) TXT_RESULT.Text = m_Socket.LastError.ToString() & " (" & m_Socket.GetErrorDescription(m_Socket.LastError) & ")" ' User Name For Host Dim TXT_COMMAND As String TXT_COMMAND = "guest" m_Socket.SendString(TXT_COMMAND, 1) TXT_RESULT.Text = m_Socket.LastError.ToString() & " (" & m_Socket.GetErrorDescription(m_Socket.LastError) & ")" ' Password For Host Dim TXT_PASSWORD As String TXT_PASSWORD = "5345" m_Socket.SendString(TXT_PASSWORD, 1) TXT_RESULT.Text = m_Socket.LastError.ToString() & " (" & m_Socket.GetErrorDescription(m_Socket.LastError) & ")" End Sub
  10. ?? Huh? I don't understand....
  11. I am having a problem trying to delete a file from within VB.NET. Below is the code I have now.... Can somebody tell me why the deletefile is not accepted. I know you can do a savefile or loadfile... How can i set it to delete a file? Thank you Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click 'Delete Monday Third Shift Job Number Dim textbox3 As String If textbox3 = "4535" Then Dim selecteditem As String = CStr(Me.ComboBox3.SelectedItem) Dim selectedjobnum As Integer = selecteditem.Substring(selecteditem.IndexOf("#"c) + 1) 'Process.Start(String.Format("E:\Job{0}.rtf", selectedjobnum)) RichTextBox2.DeleteFile(String.Format("J:\OperationsGenie\JobsHelp\Monday\ThirdShift\{0}.rtf", selectedjobnum)) Else MsgBox("You have entered an invalid Code. Please enter the code located is the validation box to proceed.") End If End Sub
  12. I have a form with a couple of buttons on it. I do not want 3 of the buttons to enable untill the first question is answered on the form. How do I send a command in VB.NET to enable these buttons? Thank you
  13. Opps... Yeah figured that out, lmao. Sorry, told you I am really new. Thanks!
  14. This part does not work Hey thank you for the help. Most of it works however it does not seem to like this line... btnOkay.PerformClick() It is complaining about the btnOkay Any ideas?
  15. On a form of mine I have a textbox in which a user places his password, below this box is a button that says Login. I would like to make it so that the user can just type in their password and either hit that button or just hit enter. How can I make it use the enter key as well from that box? Also when the form loads... How do I make the cursor default right to inside that textbox so they do not have to click in it before typing? Thank you!!!!!! :D
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