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Everything posted by Khaledinho

  1. Hello First:How many ways I can connect a PAD to a regular PC.(The aim is Database synchornization) and what are those ways Second:If i want to connect using USB or ActiveSink how do i access the Desktop computer file system from the PFA Application Programatically. I need to sychronize the database that is on the PDA with one on the Desktop computer Many thanks in advance Good luck to all See you later
  2. Hello I have data stored in an access file.I want to store this data in an sdf file in order to be able to use it in my mobile application. Any ideas.
  3. Thanks a lot. What a bad luck.Look what I found on MSDN documentation for the function GetMouseMovePoints() This function is not supported for emulation. I am very sad.
  4. Hello This is not all useful. Look i want to get the color of the pixel the mouse clicks
  5. Hi all Please help me I am trying to call the Windows API function "GetVCursorPos" from the PDA emulator that comes with .NET I did the dll import and imported the appropriate libraries but i receive the following error: "Method NotFound Exception" Please help me Thanks in advance
  6. Hi all In ADO.NET I use the SqlDataAdapter to update the database. The primay key is an autonumber colums (Identity in SQL Server). When inserting new rows to the dataset I generate unique values for them. When Updating the database with the data adpater.update method the primary values will be different from the ones i have in the dataset because they autonumber in the database. How do i return the newly generated ID number (in the sql server or access) to the column i have in the dataset. Is this could be done with SQL Or OleDB Parameters Thanks to all
  7. Hi I am writting an application that needs to connect to a sql server that is on the internet. http://www.yourmobileismymobile.com This server has the sql server and sql server port is open and i know the (username and password),the question is how do i set the connection string And i also know the database name in sql server Any ideas Thanks in advance
  8. How do I connect to COM port in .NET and get the data that arrives at that com port?
  9. Hi How do I create an icon for my program in the task bar? For the example like the Norton Icon, i choose what lists it will have----etc? Thanks in advance
  10. Thanks very much This is the algorithim I as looking for
  11. Hi Can anybody explain why the following exception occurs Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e10' No value given for one or more required parameters. /somepage.asp line 22;
  12. Hi This will not solve the problem I discovered that the column takes the default value from the access file So,whatever rows I add, they will take the same value, which is the default value of the column determined by the access database. Using autonumber will solve the problem when adding new row and updating and even deleting,but it will cause big problems with relations between tables
  13. No It's not simple at all Suppose i want to form a ditionary of (50) characters and of length up to 9 I will need 50 nested loops. Secondly,I want to take from the user characters of the dictionary,which means i cannot use looping. If I want to use recursion this would be very slow and memory demanding program I dont know if the word dictionary is the rigth word to describe it. What i mean by dictionary is all the possible combinations of characters entered by the user. Got the idea?
  14. Hi I am looking for an algorithim to form a dictionary from a specified character set and with a specified length limit For example The character set a , bwith length two will have the following dictionary a,b,aa,bb,ab,ba I want the algorithim to take any character set and max length of a word and form a dictionary from this set Any ideas? I want to use this algo to generate word lists for brute forcing programs
  15. For the part of capturing,if you mean screen capture you can use the Windows API.It provides functions for screen captures Here is an excellent site for Windows API usage: http://pietschsoft.com/programming/vbapi/ref/ I remember that I read in this the function that can capture the screen For timing,if you want the capture to be when the window is running,use a timer with an interval value of 500.If you want the capture to be all the time when the system is running you can make it a Windows Service There is a complete chapter in the Wrox press book (Professional C# Programming about Windows service" If you want,i can upload the book to rapidshare.de or send it via email This site:http://babis.homeip.net/computers/ contains the Professional C# Programming,but it is a slow site Note:Use Flashget to download the file Good luck
  16. Hi What is exactly the application are you developing?
  17. Thanks very much. :-\ ;) :cool: :rolleyes: :)
  18. Hi I am developing a network application that sends messages to different users. These messages ofcourse will be multiple line such as " Hi How are you? " What is the character or what to write when i want to have carrige return Thanks in advance
  19. Hi I am using the System.Net.HttpWebRequest class. I call the method GetRequestStream() to write data to the body of the http message but the program hangs and I never get the Stream I want.
  20. Hi I am developing an ADO.NET Application that binds a hypothetical school database to the user interface.All tables contain primary keys.In the interface the user may add new records.I used my own logic to create a unique primary key. Note:After the error occured(I bound the primary key to a text box and entered it manually with each new added record to make sure it is uniqe)and all the other feilds in the table are (fname,sname...etc) When Use the DataAdapter.Update() method i get the following exception System.Data.OleDBException:The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index,primary key,or relationship This is very strage?? SimpleDatabaseApplication.zip
  21. Naming Variable name dynamically You have to look in the reflection namespace and the type classes. With there you can execute lines of code dynamically not just naming variables Good luck
  22. Hi I discoverd the problem I used .NET wizard to generate the form and code.The same problem occured This is because the access is slow. I dont think that the same problem will happen i used SQL Server. What do you think? :confused:
  23. I have noticed that this problem mainly occurs when the using the access because access is slow in making the updates.I a the user of the program chose to update tha date (the changes were much) and then after short period the user also wants to update this exception is thrown.(Becuase the first update is still working) Could this be the problem? Thanks
  24. Yes all tables have primary keys.
  25. Hi I am facing a problem in every .NET Application I tried to develop. I writing a simple database application that connects to an access file. This access file has three tables and I created the user interface and did all the nessary binding. The user can insert,delete,update rows to the dataset.Everything works fine on the dataset. When I try to update the the database (access file) using the data adapter methods (Adapter.Update()) Sometimes I receive the following exception [Concurrency Excption thrown, 0 records was affected the command). This error happens suddenly and at random times when using the update method. After the exception occurs I cannot use the update method again because it throws the same Exception Please help :mad: :( :(
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