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About JCreationsInc

  • Birthday 07/26/1981

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Lonely Computer Hobbiest by Day, Evil super Villian named KaNaRf by Night!
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio .Net Enterprise Architect 2002
  • .NET Preferred Language

JCreationsInc's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. doh my code is useless, oooohhh :mad:
  2. Hahahahahahahahahhahhaahaahahah LOL :p :p
  3. try vb.net first if it still occurs after reinstall then i would go to the vb website to look for some pathces
  4. Re-Install the software...
  5. I = I + 1 can be changed to: I =+ 1 In the code window where you edit the code for the form1 just above the code there is to comboboxes i forget there names. One of the should say "Form1"
  6. To copy and paste select the text with the mouse and press ctrl+c to paste press ctrl+v
  7. Well you will get the hang of it if you stick to it. I remember when I first started using vb(version 3.0) I didnt know jack. Know I know enough and im still learning. These forums are a wonderful tool tell help you learn.
  8. This is how you use it Heres what to do with the code I posted: 'This line should be placed right under the declaration of your 'Form1 class, you know where it say Public Class Form1 Dim Questions(5) As String, I As Long 'This should go in the load event of your form1, I decribed how to 'Do that in the last post Questions(0) = "Who was the creator of the Assembly Line?" Questions(1) = "Your question here" Questions(2) = "Your question here" Questions(3) = "Your question here" Questions(4) = "Your question here" 'The rest of the code should go in the button on the questions 'form. This is the button the user clicks to see if the answer is 'correct
  9. What you are talking about is a splash screen. They way you create that is by calling the form2 from form1. This is how you do it: 'Open form1 and in the control combobox at the top of the window 'select "(Base Class Events)" then on the combobox to the right 'select "Load" 'The event handling code for the load event of form1 should popup below this is where you will call your form2 window 'Place this code in the routine Dim SplashScreen as New Form2 SplashScreen.ShowDialog() 'What this does is it displays the form2 window as a dialog. The 'application will not continue until the dialog is closed and it will also not let user do anything else within the application. 'Ok so we have the window displayed and you have everything set up 'In your form2 window, double click on the button that you want to close the window 'In the Event Handler place the following: Me.Close() 'And that is how you make a splash screen. You can also 'create a timer within the window to close it automatically.
  10. No problem
  11. Ooops accidentlly pressed the wrong button 'Place this code in the begining of your class 'You need to add the first question in the load event of the form 'Declare Variables Dim Questions(5) As String, I as Long 'Set the questions Questions(0) = "Who was the creator of the Assembly Line?" Questions(1) = "Your question here" Questions(2) = "Your question here" Questions(3) = "Your question here" Questions(4) = "Your question here" 'Place this code in your button 'Get the position in the array of the current question For I = 0 to 4 'Check the current element If QuestionsTxt.Text = Questions(I) Then 'Check the answer Select Case I Case 0 If LCase(AnswerTxt.Text) = "henry ford" then MsgBox "Correct!!" End If End Select 'Set the Next Question in the Label If I = 5 Then LblQuestion.Text = Question(0) _ Else: LblQuestion.Text = Question(I + 1) end if Next Now it can be done alot more effecient then this, this is just as an example that I wrote off the top of my head and it is bound to have somekind of bug in it! :cool:
  12. You dont need more than one form, you can do it all in one form. Just set up the form the way you want it and then when the user clicks the ok button, the procedure will check the answer and and give the result. example: 'Declare Variables Dim Questions(5) as String 'Set the questions Questions(0) = "Who was the creator of the Assembly Line?" Questions(1) = "Your question here" Questions(2) = "Your question here" Questions(3) = "Your question here" Questions(4) = "Your question here" 'Loop through all the questions Do : System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() 'Set the Question in the Question Label IF LCase(Anser.Text) = "henry ford" then End If Loop Until Questions.GetUpperBound() = 5)
  13. You cant save the position of the controls within the container to a image file. You can save the image file and then add the positions of the controls within the picture box to the end of the image file, but you will not be able to open the image file in other image viewers. Go on PSCODE.COM and search for "binary file" or "setup" to learn how to add files to the end of other files.
  14. Thank god you got out of that buisness. I was also taking the CCNA class the get certified, but I couldnt stay awake reading about cat5 cables(I forgot its name) and routers. right after I dropped the class Cisco fired 40.000 people. Lucky Me.
  15. wholly crap you got it! wow I never knew about that property thanks man!!!
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