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  1. Hello All, By browsing the net, i have come to know that to precompile ASP.NET 2.0 for web deployment, we can use the utility aspnet_compiler.exe. Can you please tell me which utility tool that can used to precompile for web deployment for ASP.NET 1.0/ ASP.NET 1.1 files. Pls do tell me where i can download the tool. Thanks & Regards, zy_abc.
  2. Hello All, I would like to scan a Subscriber form & store it in some format. Then, i would like to print some details on that subscriber form like Name etc.,. Pls do help me out with some suggestions.
  3. Hello All, I am new to creating Crystal Reports. I have created Crystal reports Successfully. For the DataSource Connection it is storing as a Full Path. For Ex: C:\RJ\ab.mdb. Is there anyway where i can have datasource connection in Crystal Report as we do in forms as Application.StartupPath()
  4. Can sharing of applications between two users be interactively be done in ASP.NET. Can anyone pls give me some tips as to how to go abt for that. Thanks.
  5. Read File & Display the file online in ASP.NET Hello All, I would like to read a file stored in ms-access & display it by opening the application. For eg., i have stored some details in ms-word format in Ms-Access. When the end user wants to view the file, I would like to read the file from ms-access & display it in ms-word. It should be stored temporarily. Once the enduser closes the application without saving the temporarily stored infomation should be deleted? Can this be acheived in ASP.NET. Pls help me out. Thanks.
  6. zy_abc


    Hello All, I would like to open AUTOCAD documents in end users IE via ASP.NET. Is it possible to create an in-built viewer so that the end user who don't have AUTOCAD be able to view the document. Please give me suggestions, tips or links. Thanking You.
  7. Dim SQL,SaveDate As String SaveDate=06/01/2003 txtDate.txt=06/02/2003 SQL="UPDATE Task SET Task_Date=#"+txtDate.txt+"#,task_Desc='"+txtDesc.Text +"' WHERE Task_Date=#"+SaveDate+"# AND Task_Desc = '"+SaveDesc+"'" DataAdapter.UpdateCommand.CommandText = SQL In the above, SaveDate & txtDate.txt you would have noticed in the form of mm/dd/yyyy. Try it in that format. It might work. It is becos of that you might get the error. Eventhough date is stored in dd/mm/yyyy while querying i think it should be of the form mm/dd/yyyy. Try it out & see whether it is working. Hope it helps in solving the problem
  8. If you want to extract a single letter from a word you can use "SubString". If you want to remove blank spaces then you can use "Trim"
  9. If you want to close any form use Me.Close() Hope it helps
  10. Did you use ASP Button or HTML Button? If you could post the sample code we could know where you might have gone wrong.
  11. zy_abc

    Help Me!!!

    The following link might help you http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/control_calendar.asp
  12. Dim dblX As Double dblX = 10.444444444999998 dblX = CDbl(Format(dblX, "#.##")) MsgBox(dblX) Hope this helps.
  13. Yes, You can. You can have another Dialog Form.
  14. How do you want the output to be?
  15. Can you give a bit more information with an example of the Table with the output.
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