Hi All,
Apologies in advance for this incredibly stupid question, but I can't seem to find the answer in any of the tutorials, samples or forums. I'm trying to create a 3d graph component (more as a learning excersise than anything else) that shows a bar graph in 3d and spins it around. I'm able to create each bar as a mesh at runtime, render it and use a world transform to rotate the world around the y-axis but this is leading to occlusion problems. So what I want to do, and I think this would be the proper way of doing it, is to create each bar as a mesh at the origin, then translate them along the x-axis to their proper places in the graph and then perform a translation on each of them to rotate them about the y-axis.
Now for the really silly part, I think I can figure out the proper matrices but I've no idea how to apply them to the meshes, I can see how to do it in the unmanaged APIs but not the managed for some reason. Anybody got any tips or clues ?