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Everything posted by Hornet

  1. Look at this link. Maybee it will help you. Greetz, Hornet
  2. You can change this port in your propertiesboxof the object in your environment. I think it's named LocalPort. Normaly all ports less then 10000 are used by Windows. Maybee you can try some higher then 10000. Greetz, Hornet
  3. Can you tell us about more what you mean. So you have an object on your form? And you want to know the ip-address of it? If you mean this, you can set this option in your propertiesbox. I think it's named LocalPort and LocalIP. I'm not sure. It can be that the LocalIP the ip is from the computer where he is running on. :cool: Greetz, Hornet
  4. Try to find it. Then you know it. :D We can't do that for you! :cool: Greetz, Hornet
  5. Uhmm, I have created a program that check if you must pay or not. Sometimes you must pay money and sometimes you can get money. So, that integer can be a value as -100. Then the boolean must be 0 (=false). :D You see? Greetz, Hornet
  6. Is there in VB.NET a function to convert an integer to a boolean? Now, I'm making a console application and I become on the end of the program an integer as resultat. Then the program can say to lines: "Yes, you are in your right" or "No, you aren't in your right". But how can I convert that resultat (=integer) to a boolean? :confused: Greetz, Hornet
  7. No, that's not included in the Windows Update. You have to install an apart setup for the .NET Platform. ;) Greetz, Hornet
  8. Are there big diffirences in VS.NET and VS 6? My mate works already 2 years in VB 6 and he don't want to take the .NET version. He finds 2 gigs minimum to much for such an environment. :p I find that too, but VB.NET is suck a good language that I can't be angry against M$. Greetz, Hornet
  9. Oke, maybee it's to difficult for me, but I wanna try it. So I only need a Winsock Control on my form. How can I do that? Can I download that socket from a website or something? Greetz, Hornet
  10. I'm a complete noob in that sort of coding. Can someone give a sample please. I need it for my client. Greetz, Hornet
  11. Good, but can you give me an example of a simple program that uses those Imports and that makes connection with an IRC server. I am a newbie in those things like using Sockets. In VB 6, I normally used a Winsock Control so that I easy could connect to a server or something. How must I make a connection with those Imports, I dont know the right functions of it. :o Greetz, Hornet
  12. Look, I have a big problem. I have here Windows XP Professional with Visual Studio .NET Professional Enterprise Architect 2003 on it. Now, I am making an IRC-client and I need to have a Winsock Control on it. When I do ctrl+T, I get the components window, where I normally can insert a Winsock Control into my toolbox. But when I insert him my Environment says that I dont have the right license to use that Control. What's wrong and how can I fix that problem? Greetz, Hornet
  13. Oke, sorry, i didn't saw that I need 25 posts first. In a few houres I will have my avatar. But not with spam, talk or something like that. ;) No no, I am a great guy. :-\ Greetz, Hornet
  14. Do you have a webbased database? Now, if you have that you can make a connection to that database with your program to see of that user is legal on your website and you can see then of that user needs updates. :D Greetz, Hornet
  15. No that want go. I can go to options --> change avatar. But then I only can choose "No", when they ask me to use an avatar. Greetz!
  16. Now, I am here new and I want to sett an avatar in my options. How can I change that? Greetz.
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