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  1. I have a requirement to transfer files to a file server using sFTP. Does .Net 2.0 provide any features or classes to implement this? Thanks in advance for help.
  2. I couldn't find any category for crystal reports so I am writting here. Sorry for that. In my report each row displays the maximum { Max(field) } value of a set of feilds using Max function. These rows are in each Group. I want to display the sum of these row in the Group Header at the top of each group. The Sum() function doesnot allow me to do the sum of Max fields, so I am adding each row's value to a variable and displaying that variable in the Group Header. Variable x; x = x + Maxfield; But it displays only the value of the first row. Correct result: Group 1 Total - 5 (Sum of 3 + 2) Row#1....3 Row#2....2 My incorrect result: Group 1 Total - 3 (First row value) Row#1....3 Row#2....2 can anyone please help.
  3. I want to declare global variable in one formula editor and access that variable in another editor. How can I do that in crystal reports.
  4. Hi, I am unable to check DB.Null value from Formula Editor in Crystal reports .Net. If the column value is NULL then display "Some text" else "Column Value". Database is SQLServer 2000. Thanks Imran
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