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About GenDeathRaiser

  • Birthday 07/25/1988

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  • Occupation
    Taco Bell Manager
  • .NET Preferred Language

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well I believe one did, because the other one said you need .net framwork his said like violation exception with no details at all, like missing files. And another PC was missing MSCORE.dll I don't know if that's included with .net framework though.
  2. I'm using Borland Delphi 2005, and just right clicking and hitting build.
  3. This is probably the most newbish question ever asked on these forums but how can I know what filed i need to pack with my program, as I sent it out and all users were like missing files and some were just getting run time errors. Is there anyway to find out what files I need to run it so I can pack them into the program or with it.
  4. That would work, I'll just remove all the ones that cant be used if a certain thing is selected, thanks.
  5. That did it! Thanks so much.
  6. I Even just tried the namespace which is Typer so I did Typer.WinForm.TopMost = true; but still no good :(.
  7. Well...When I click the form, that's the name of it. I don't see anything that has a higher power than that as it's my only form. And if I set it to true in the properties, it works, but I need it to be able to turn on and off and I guess my syntax is off.
  8. Yes but I'm trying to get it so that the user can check the Always Stay On Top box so no other programs get in the way. So how would I go about making it true and false I tried: WinForm.TopMost = true; but it gave me that error above.
  9. I got this after doing that: [C# Error] AssemblyInfo.cs(315): An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'System.Windows.Forms.Form.TopMost' lets just say my forms named WinForm, what would be the syntax to use that command properly.
  10. How can I make certain items disabled. For instance lets say I have this Drop down box1: Item1 Item2 Drop down box2: Item1 Item2 Item3 And if they select anything in drop down box 1, I want Item1 and 2 in drop down box 2 to disable or be unselectable, but 3 to still be available.
  11. I tried searching for this but it won't allow me to search for Always, On, or Top so it blows. Anyway, How can I set my program to be always on top? :confused:
  12. Ok, well I got the enter key, I was for getting to put it in quotes. "{ENTER}"
  13. Border and Key help. When the user pushes the arrow key to do a small change on a slider bar, it highlights a very unappealing box around it that then continues to pop up each time it's clicked. How do I turn this box off. Also: How do I send an Enter key press through a Sendkeys command? Also, I'm using Borland Delphi 2005, is there anyway for me to bring up a list of commands like in Visual Studio for VB you right click and select command list.
  14. Thanks a lot. Sorry about all the crap questions I'm just trying to switch to a more common language and I can't get anything right :(.
  15. Sorry for this, but what's the casting command. In Java it's just (int) and in vb it was I think c(int) I can't figure it out.
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