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Xtreme .Net Talk


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About geo1st487

  • Birthday 12/04/1979

geo1st487's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Can include in VB.NET an ActiveX DLL file which written in VB6? If yes then work correctly such as VB6? Thanks :)
  2. Which different between C# and J#? Thanks :)
  3. Visual Studio 6 include Visual Java but Visual Studio.NET not include it. My question is if C#.NET replace the Visual Java. Thanks :)
  4. Inno setup can distribute correctly a VB.NET application? InstallShield can detect correctly all the dependencies from a VB.NET application? I need an installer which detect correctly all dependencies of application (something like Package and Deployment Wizard but without bugs and limitations) Which Installer is better? Thanks :)
  5. I mean if can import an animation gif file in PictureBox and play it. In VB6 i can't do this and required to include an extra ActiveX control (*.ocx) for play animation gif files. VB.NET has any control for play animation gif files? Thanks :)
  6. VC++.NET code has been changed enough such as VB.NET? Thanks :)
  7. VC++.NET has many changes from VC++ 6 such as VB.NET from VB 6? Thanks :)
  8. Visual Basic .NET 2002 has an Animation Gif Control for play animation gif files? Thanks :)
  9. VB6 has little poor ActiveX controls with many limitations. e.g. You can't change the scrollbars property of textbox at runtime for switch to wordwrap and conversely. I hope VB.NET dont have these funny limitations. Thanks :)
  10. VB.NET has better and more ActiveX controls (*.ocx) from VB6? Thanks :)
  11. Can VB6 and VB.NET run correctly on same PC under from same operating system? If install VB6 and VB.NET on same operating system is possible to have problems? Thanks :)
  12. I read the following in http://www.microsoft.com/net/products/tools.asp Visual Studio .NET advances the high-productivity programming languages: Microsoft Visual Basic®, which includes new object-oriented programming features; Microsoft Visual C++®, which advances Microsoft Windows® development and enables you to build .NET-connected applications; and C#, which brings RAD to the C and C++ developer. My question is that Microsoft Visual Basic.NET can't enables you to build .NET-connected applications such as Microsoft Visual C++.NET? Thanks :)
  13. Can VB.NET 2002 create a single EXE, with no run-times nor dependencies? Thanks :)
  14. Is correct in VB.NET form1.Print "Message" for display a message in form1? Thanks :)
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