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Everything posted by ashutosh9910

  1. Yes indeed the best solution as I see to it is to restrict user to put the date in one particular format and not any other and then check the same using the first function. Applying CultureInfo seems a bit inefficient as in case of a website it won't be a matter of british or american users so... better of be safe and secure. Thanks any ways. Ashutosh
  2. Yes i did the same but the trouble with that is if a user enters say in 21/12/2006, before his entering the date i dont have any idea what format is he going to put. So if somehow i could get the format of the date entered by the user and pass that to the above function, I am on. But how can I find the format entered by the user. Trouble is what format would you take if a user enters 04/05/06 is it 4-May-06 or 5-Apr-06 or anything else. Thanks Ashutosh
  3. BTW - Just for the sake of knowledge, can I have such a function where in it would take up all the valid date formats and still maintain such strictness of data correction. Thanks Ashutosh
  4. Thanks a lot Cag, That piece of code just works gr8. The conversion was never an issue. Got it done in just 5 min time. Working gr8 Thanks again Ashutosh
  5. Hi all, I am facing a strange problem using IsDate function. Trouble is that IsDate returns true for every valid format of date. Currently on my website, everywhere for the sake of consistensy, we are using dd-MMM-yy format to display dates. Now if I put date as 30-Feb-07 which acc to above format is invalid, but IsDate(30-Feb-07) returns True as it take it as 07-Feb-30 and returns valid. Now for the sake of consistency, I can not change the format I am using. Is there any workaround to it. Thanks in advance.
  6. As per my Project Leader, i am required to change the encoding of aspx page only and no such entry in xml, even though i tried a few things like saving xsl with the same encoing and even tried using the encoding tag in xml as you suggested but no help. Its still the same.. Ashutosh PS - can u plz let me know how can i set the encoding for Response ? Thanks
  7. Hi all, I am facing a strange problem. I have an XML that feeds data to an aspx page that renders the corresponding xsl file. Now the xsl and xml file contains data in Japanese language. In xsl, this data is shown in Japanese characters and in xml, it is shown as junk characters. Now as instructed, in order to display this xml on the aspx page, I am required to save the aspx page with encoding (Unicode - Codepage 1200) I saved the same but still am not able to get the Japanese characters rendered. It still shows the junk characters. How can I get the web page to display japanese characters ? Thanks in advance Ashutosh
  8. Hi all, I have a datagrid with a template column with Image control on it. Heres how it goes: <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Image"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:image id="imgImage" Runat="server" ImageUrl="ApprovarImage.gif"></asp:image> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn> Now i need to get an image from the MemoryStream into this Image Control. How can i get the same. Thanks in advance Ashutosh
  9. Hi All, I have around 20 executables that I need to launch from a specific folder one after the another. these all are kind of setup programs that consistes of Wizards and Clicks to Next Previous etc. I just wanted to automate the process by making a small utility for that. Could someone guide me as I can get them running using the Shell function but how could I navigate through the process of Next Prev Clicks. SendKeys does not seem to be working. PS - All the wizards are same so each involves equal no. of clicks and checks Thanks in advance Ashutosh
  10. Yes, but it is rendering data from the Data Grid and not from any data set, which shows only one page at a time. I am quite new to ASP.NET and to .NET for that matter. so plz excuse me if I am wrong Ashutosh
  11. Response.Clear() Response.Buffer = True Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=UserList.xls; sheet=Sheet2") Response.Charset = "" Me.EnableViewState = False Dim oStringWriter As System.IO.StringWriter = New System.IO.StringWriter Dim oHtmlTextWriter As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter = New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(oStringWriter) dgSearchResult.RenderControl(oHtmlTextWriter) Response.Write(oStringWriter.ToString()) Response.End() The original code I got from this very firm and I modified it to the one above. Now the problem is with Paging Enabled, it only saves the excel file with the current page recods. Is there a way I could go about getting all the records in the excel file without them being displayed on the DataGrid Thanks Ashutosh
  12. Many of us by now know it but I just came to know this fact..... You can not create folder bearing the name "CON","PRN","AUX" etc in windows Microsoft says that these are reserved keywords for DOS and hense could not be used as folder names But then aren't COPY, PASTE, CD etc reserved keywords for DOS, then why can we make folders with such names Ashutosh
  13. India :) But why do ppl here need message greater than 10 characters ? :confused:
  14. That could be a possible error in case of adding a new user as it would allow using Blank Password. Ashutosh
  15. thanks got it done before hand. Thanks a lot Ashutosh
  16. Well it is a problem to me as I am using the same for Adding a user and for editing his information. Also I am checking if all the mandatory information is supplied ( password is also a mandatory field) and so it creates problem at that time. Ashutosh
  17. Hi all, I am a new programmer in terms of ASP.NET but with my prior knowledge of VB I can say that a label control is a single line control. Now in ASP.NET how can I get the text to be displayed in multiple lines instead of a single line. Is there any other control I could use instead of it ? chr(13) , chr(10), crlf etc etc all odnt work with it. Thanks in Advance Ashutosh
  18. No I am not changing it dynamically. It is set to Password at the design time only and is nmot changed since then. Meanwhile instead of txtPassword.text = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1) If i say txtPassword.Attributes.Add("Value",ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1)) It works fine. Could not understand why is it so. Ashutosh
  19. Hi All, A newbie to ASp.NET. Today I just made a user management web site kinda thing. In this when I click on a link to edit prifile of a user, It opens up the page which is same as is used for adding a user with all the information filled up. I can get all information from the database but not Password. With the textmode of the textbox set to Password, it does not display the password as "*****" in the Password textbox. Could someone tell me why is it so ? Thanks in Advance Ashutosh
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