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Everything posted by ashutosh9910
F# Would anybody like to throw some light on it...... Combining the efficiency, scripting, strong typing and productivity of ML with the stability, libraries, cross-language working and tools of .NET. http://research.microsoft.com/fsharp/fsharp.aspx --Ashutosh
Well being a mining engineer, I created a software that would give you the blasting patterns based on the parameters that were input like the rock condition, vibration levels, flyrock, required output etc. The program even showed a glimpse of what the face would look like after blasting and it gave us both elevation as well as the side view of the face. Also gave the estimate of amount of explosives required and other theoritical reporting stuff. Had a facility to be connected to a vibration monitor and could directly read the output of the same. Has to be my best so far. But that was all in VB6.0. Taking of .NET, I created a web.config editor application that also had the facilities of encryption in it. --Ashutosh
i guess it is meant to ask you to login once you enable windows authentication.. you need to log on with the credentials you use to log on to your computer.
anything thats opened using window.open is treated as a popup and the pop up blocker will try to block that. The options could be disabling the pop up blocker for some time. I am not sure if using window.ShowModelessDialogBox will serve your purpose.
I have a search page where I search results and based on those results, I show the datagrid and also a link to download some exe files from the server using Response.BinaryWrite. Problem is once I download an exe, the immediate next link also calls the download code. Eg - I click download >>>> It gives me Open / Save dialog to downloads the exe After downloading it, I click Search >>>>> It again gives me the same Open / Save dialog box.
labels will always render html tags properly. eg - label1.text = <B>Boldtext<B> the label will not show <B>Boldtext<B> but Boldtext
I tried quite a few things. 1. OWC 2. Office XP PIAs Then discovered that they need a valid license of MSOffice. So gave up on that front. 3. Tried creating instances of OpenOffice using the dlls provided at OOoForums. 4. Tried the dlls at OpenDocument4All Then discovered they would output only Open Document Format which are specific to Open Office so gave up on that front as well. FInally I am looking at a solution where I keep a templet xls file with my project, open it using ADODB and insert or update whatever is required and save the same. Regarding charts, I am using ZedGraph to create the chart images and would try to somehow put those images into that xls file. Have not yet thought of the concrete solution though. Any further ideas are most welcome. Thanks for the help.... ;) Ashutosh
Sorry if that hurts ;) I was just refering to Anyways Yes I did look at the link from Jakarta but I guesss this is not what open office uses. I might be wrong in saying that but atleast this is what I got from above.. Sory if the post hurt you. It was never intended for that. :confused:
not a problem. i m glad i could move you from "theres no way of doing it" to "there is some way of doing it" :) Now I changed my way to Open Office and reached a point where I could create documents successfully, the only problem being that it creates some *.sxc or *.ods files that are in open office format and can not be opened using Excel. Still looking forward to any solutions. PS - The Zedgraph issue still goes unanswered..... Strange that no one ever needed to create charts using .NET..... :o Ashutosh
I also had the same problem. even if you open the window using window.open, it wont work. Finally I moved the code to the parent page itself. 1. crate th binary array from the file. Pass the same to the parent page using global variable or my any other means and use response.binarywrite on the parent page instead of pop up after closing the pop up page. Ashutosh
Basically I am creating a website where in you would have a facility to export your data in form of excel files and the data consists of certain tables ( which is not a big problem) as well as charts for the same. Now I want this functionality to be implemented without having MSOffice installed on the server (which very much is a real situation rather than a hypothetical one.). Thats why I want a real .xls binary file doesn't matter if i myself can not read it. But atleast I can give my users the facility to download the same. What about using Office XP PIAs. I have that option as well. But am facing a few problems in that as well. Hope the things clear up now.. :)
Has anyone over here used ZedGraph dlls to create graphs for ASP.NET applications. I am having quite a lot of difficulties implementing it. The help and wiki seems to be insufficient for my case. Would like to have some expert help over the issue. Anyone......... Secondly has anyone ever tried to create an excel document without actually having office installed on the machine. Looks possible as I had a go at it and reached quite near to it. Would like to hear others' views on these points Ashutosh
Hi all, I am trying to use Office Automation in my ASP.NET application using the Office XP PIAs. This is the exception I gt when I try to create a workbook using the following code: Try Dim excel As Application = New Application Dim wb As Workbook Dim missing wb = excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ExcelWriter\Templets\BenchmarkData_Histogram.xls") excel.Visible = True wb.Activate() Catch ex As Exception Dim strError As String = ex.Message End Try It raises an exception on the line where I open the workbook: wb = excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ExcelWriter\Templets\BenchmarkData_Histogram.xls") Kindly help. THanks Ashutosh
Hi all, Well i was a bit unsure where to put this one but since its on a web page using ASP.NET I have put it here. Currently I am using a Javascript code block to show my RSS Feeds. The scenario is : The user selectes a few links which he wants to view as RSS Feeds when he loggs in. RSS Feeds are displayed in the right hand side of the screen. Everything works fine for me. The only problem I face is that when someone is using Netscape, these RSS Feeds when scroll up they take up the whole page with it. So the whole page kinda scrolls up and down along with the RSS Feeds. It works well with IE and even works well with Netscape > v 8.x But I neeed my code to be compatible with Netscape >v 6.x Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Ashutosh
Hi all, Today I faced the same problem and hense decided to revoke the old thread. Now the problem is Case 1: I am using ASP.NET 1.0 (as my site is developed on the same.) Here this error never occurs and so there is no need of having validate request tag in the page directive. Case 2: The server I am hosting it on has ASP.NET 1.1 There it raises this error and hense I am required to put the tag for validateRequest = False. But putting this tag raises the error in ASP.NET 1.0 env. Now the problem is I want to make it generic so that it could be run on either versions. AND YES I NEED THOSE SCRIPTS TO BE PASSED FROM CLIENT TO SERVER. Is there any way I can achieve both?? Thanks in advance. Ashutosh
Hi Diesel, thanks for the help. I got the issue resolved by moving all the Javascript code from that page to a seperate JS file and shredding a few controls off the page. Thanks for the time. Ashutosh
Hi Diesel, Thanks for the reply. BTW below is the screenshot of the part of the page. This is a repeater control that contains all the controls shown in the screenshot for question number 1. Now onto your suggestions: 1. how about splitting up the questions into different pages? Not possible since we have a kind of parent child relationship among the questions as shown in the screenshot. Q1 can have as many questions as possible and there is no limit for it. Hense pagination is not possible since we are indenting the questions and if answer to the parent question is NO then we dont show the child question. 2. shutting off viewstate? Not possible since there are quite a lot of these controls that maintain their viewstate and values from them are used to update the information required. More importantly, at times the page does show up fine. Surprisingly, doing a Response.Write(Session("Username")) gives me correct value after completion of page load operation. It shows that the values are lost somewhere after pageload event. I m confused??? :confused: Ashutosh
Hi all, I am facing a strange problem with my ASP.NEt page. It throws an error 500: Header size too large whenever accessed. The problem which I foresee with this page is that it has too many controls on it. Basically the page is a checklist page with many questions on it. Now depending on checklist a user selects there are variable number of questions. If the questions are less then the page loads easily with no problem but if the page has more questions, which obviously means more controls then it throws error 500 page stating that the header size is too large. The page shows up fine if accessed locally but the problem arises if it is viewed from outside the firewall. Secondly the same problem seems to be leading to another problem. In thesame scenario, it also seems to end the Session of the logged in user. Can someone help out. Its kinda urgent. Thanks in advance. Ashutosh
Hi all, I am facing trouble with using Response.BinaryWrite. Private Sub lnkCustomerData_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lnkCustomerData.Click Dim ds As DataSet Dim objService As New AMSInternalUserService.AMSInternalUserService Dim lngReportFileId As Long lngReportFileId = lstPrevUpload.SelectedItem.Value ds = objService.GetReportFileDetails(lngReportFileId) If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then Dim strFileExt, strFileName As String strFileName = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("ReportCustomerFileName") If InStr(strFileName, ".") > 0 Then strFileExt = Mid(strFileName, InStr(strFileName, "."), Len(strFileName)) Select Case LCase(strFileExt) Case ".xls" Response.ContentType = "application/x-msexcel" Case ".doc" Response.ContentType = "application/msword" Case ".txt" Response.ContentType = "text/plain" Case ".ppt" Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-p" Case ".pdf" Response.ContentType = "application/pdf" End Select Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("ReportCustomerFileName")) If Not IsDBNull(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ReportFileCustomer")) Then Response.BinaryWrite(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ReportFileCustomer")) End If Response.End() End If End If This is the code I use to download a file on the Link Button click. Now the trouble is that this link button is placed on a form which is invoked through window.showModalDialogBox method. While debugging there is no error and everything goes fine, each and every line of code is executed perfectly but the popup does not appear. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Ashutosh
Hi all, I am opening a window as a modal dialog box and returning values to the parent window after some database operations which need to be reflected to the parent window. For that I want to refresh the parent window upon the unload of the child modal dialog box. for that in child window's body tag I added: onunload="this.opener.location.reload();" But it raises an error stating that this.opener.location is null or not and object. Kindly Help. Its kinda urgent Thanks in advance Ashutosh
you can open window as Modal dialog box. Ashutosh
Private Sub DataGrid_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles DataGrid.ItemDataBound If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Then If Trim(e.Item.Cells(4).Text) = "P" Then'''''''THis was my condition Use your security condition here e.Item.Cells(5).Text = "" ' don't show Data link End If End If End Sub Replace e.Item.Cells(4) & (5) by appropriate cell numbers HTH Ashutosh