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  1. Hi, The program draws an image directly to the Form and not to a picturebox. hDC = User.GetDC(Me.Handle) EnableOpenGL(hDC) 'draw code follows ... How can I copy this image drawn to the form to the clipboard? 'Clipboard.SetDataObject(Picturebox1.image) If this was drawn to a picbox ' How do I convert the above command?? '??? Is this possible? Or do I have to use a picturebox??? Although I know that a picturebox would simplify my problem, there is another issue with regards of using a picturebox, therefore, if possible I would like to avoid using it. However, if it is impossible!! please mention it so I won't spend any more time trying. thanks.
  2. i've used C1TrueDBGrid, which was ok. Their tech support is somewhat questionable, but the grid itself is better than MS datagrid. However, i don't think any of the grids will support items 2 & 3, you would have to code that yourself, IMO.
  3. Hi, I'm really having a hard time with this one. the program displays a model which uses Opengl. the user can navigate through the model as well. Also, the user can save the display as a bitmap file. The problem is: After I save the model to a bitmap file, I can't get back to the form display. This concept will also apply when you allow the user to open two display forms at once. How would you allow the user to switch between display forms? thus, how do you allow to pass the memory handle? hope, that is the correct question.
  4. I've already had tried that before posting the previous post, and as usual I had a minor syntax error!!! thanks for making me look into it again without any doubt!!
  5. is there a way to open a existing Query in the .mdb file? for example, if you know the Table name you can use a sql statement; Select * from [tablename] to open the table, what about a Query? I would like to know how I can display the existing Query in a datagrid. thanks.
  6. Hi, When the user opens a MS Access database, I would like to list the Queries & Reports listed in that .mdb file. How would I be able to do this in .NET? either using ADO, DAO or ADO.NET. Also, when the user clicks on a specific Queries or Reports, how can I start Access up from .NET? thanks
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