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  1. pop up window I do see a window pop-up but then it goes away. I don't have to touch anything for the fax to go thru. I have the winfax client on my desktop and the winfax server on a 2K server. Not sure why you have to click print. Dim sendObj As New wfxctl32.CSDKSend() sendObj.SetCompany("AAA Energy Co.") sendObj.SetTo("Namel") sendObj.SetSubject("Test UDC Faxing") sendObj.AddAttachmentFile("C:\faxdoc \Confirmation.rtf") sendObj.SetNumber("5556666") sendObj.AddRecipient() sendObj.Send(0) sendObj.Done() Brian
  2. this is how you use vb.net or vb 6 & winFax How to send WinFax Pro faxes using VB 6 or VB .NET from a WinFax Pro client to a WinFax Pro Server Start a project. Open a form Reference the winfax.dll in your system 32 directory In VB 6 use this code: Dim sendObj As Object Private Sub Form_Load() Set sendObj = CreateObject("WinFax.SDKSend8.0") sendObj.SetCompany ("AAA Energy Co.") sendObj.SetTo ("john smith") sendObj.SetSubject ("Test Faxing") sendObj.SetCoverFile ("C:\DLoad\BASIC1.CVP") sendObj.SetCoverText ("Test of cover Page") sendObj.SetUseCover (1) sendObj.AddAttachmentFile ("c:\DLoad\License.txt") sendObj.SetNumber ("1112121") sendObj.AddRecipient sendObj.Send (0) sendObj.Done In VB . Net use this code: Imports wfxctl32.COleWinFaxAppClass Imports wfxctl32.CSDKSendClass Imports wfxctl32.COleAttachmentsClass Dim sendObj As New wfxctl32.CSDKSend() sendObj.SetCompany("AAA Energy Co.") sendObj.SetTo("Brian Hall") sendObj.SetSubject("Test UDC Faxing") sendObj.SetCoverFile("C:\DLoad\BASIC1.CVP") sendObj.SetCoverText("Test of cover Page") sendObj.SetUseCover(1) sendObj.AddAttachmentFile("c:\DLoad\License.txt") sendObj.SetNumber("3271407") sendObj.AddRecipient() sendObj.Send(0) sendObj.Done() That�s It !! Brian
  3. interfax OK the vb.net example uses a web service interfax. is that a free service? I am building this for a company. ?? B
  4. I need to be able to automate the faxing of Crtsyal report documents to our fax server. At the moment I can send one fax at a time just by pointing to the winfax as a printer. I need to set it up so my users can send say 10 faxes to 10 different people with one click of a button. all names, phone numbers etc will be pulled from our database. Is there a way to access the winfax control dll to push data in and send fax without the user having to do all the work? Thanks Brian :confused:
  5. Can you tell me how I can "use the winfax" object? Please ;-) TY Brian
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