Hi guys,
Recently i made an app and it works very well so far ... but these days i decided to extend client part's features to remote access the data stored on server machine. Actually, all i need is when my laptop PC is located out of LAN to still able update/select/delete/insert data from within MS Access DB.
I've been look around for some useful informations in order to resolve my issue but i found may different opinions ... some people says that i need to go for SQL Server and that it is the best and only solution ... also, some people claimed that i should go for web services as it's most adequate and simplest solution for me ... so, i'm wondering is there someone that could clarify this dilema for me please ?!
I'm mostly concerned about if i go for web service where this service will be stored ... do i need a Public IP address or it would work just fine from common server without registered web site? btw, i'm absolute n00b in this section/subject :(
I'm waiting for your sugesstions ... thanks in advance :)
edit: also i forgot to ask about client part. whether i need to install IIS on client machine/s as well in order to make it able to access certain MSAccess DB remotely?