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  1. Hi Puiu, First, Thanks for the response and the information :) Now, a bit more information on the existing dataset so I am sure I understand how this will work. The table(0) identifier is used to point to the table currently existing in the dataset. Would I be correct in assuming that the code you have provided is set for a single table dataset? Why the question? The existing dataset I use in this project contains all of the active tables used by the system at any single point in time. However, that does not guarantee that the required table is present in the dataset which means I will need to 'load' that table when I need the information for the report. That being said, I will be using your code to work on the reports and anticipate no problems IF I use the code correctly. :-\ This brings another question to mind: Would I be better served to create a seperate dataset and dataadapter as part of an inherited(sp) form thereby providing the dataset (and associated tables) to Crystal reports at design time? The dataset would be pointed at the tables located on the hard drive. And in this particular instance, works out given that the dataset will contain all data including unsaved updates which I wish to avoid. Your thoughts :) Thanks!
  2. Hi, Let me preface this by stating I am a "noob" to VB.Net. I have a series of reports I am in the process of creating using Crystal Reports (yes, this is also a first time event .. such fun!!). THe question I have is one that I have looked through the forums for a clear (to me) answer yet havent found one yet. I have an MS Access application that runs in disconnected mode using a dataset for all data manipulation events. I would like to reference that dataset with Crystal Reports and not have to define a second dataset just for that purpose. The reasons for using a dataset are two-fold: First to allow the Crystal Reports to run without being tied to a specific location Second to insure that the reports are using the most current version of the data being worked with I wish to keep the degree of complexity down as much as possible thus the interest in using an existing dataset as opposed to creating and maintaining a new dataset. Is there a way to do that? If so, could someone provide a detailed explanation for doing this? If there isnt a way to using a pre-defined dataset, I would appreciate any suggestions on the steps and procedures for the addition of a second dataset. Thanks!
  3. An interesting set of postings on differing styles of programming VB.Net. Speaking to both replies, I would offer the following opinion: To not use the available tools with a product such as Visual Studios seems to be a self-defeating thought process. To have the tools and not use them would (IMHO) increase the complexity of and time required to complete any project beyond the simplest. Speaking as a VB 'noob', I do appreciate and understand the benefits of being able to understand how and what attributes are used and/or set in the development of a form / class/ object/ etc. I have a greater appreciation for the tools that are part of the Visual Studio IDE. My learning curve has been eased a bit with the availblity of those tools. Speaking to the comments about the loss of code or attributes or entire forms and not wanting to spend time trying to recreate them; I would offer the following as comments /suggestions. The loss of code/ forms / etc can be a serious blow to any development project. That loss can be lessened by using tools and processes available to almost any IT professional. One of the more cost effective methods is to use a versioning / central repository style of code / form /etc control. As a programmer, I too find the requirements and inherent restrictions with these products to be a bother yet I have learned to really like and really use those tools. I have used PVCS and M/soft SourceSafe as well as homegrown products. I have even written batch processes to perform some of the basic operations myself in order to provide the rudimentary support that my project required. Another piece that ties directly in is the creation of documentation for each form/ module/ class/ etc. Yes, I know that documentation is rated right up there with root canals and mother-in-laws as something you wish to do or see. ;) However, good documentation can save a project when a loss of code etc occurs. Documentation can provide a means of recreating a process, a form, a class or whatever was lost in conjunction with repository/ source control software. The last item to be discussed is in many ways the key to all of this and that is discipline. The discipline to actually create the documentation and use really use the software control product. Any shop can have all types of standards and software to provide this sort of support and information but without discipline, alot of money and time has been and will be wasted. Just some thoughts :)
  4. ref Combo box edit Hi, Thanks for the response. As you can tell by the question, I am a newbie to VB.Net. I created the list of items for the combo box when I defined the form using the VB.NET IDE. Is it possible to update that collection (as defined during the form creation) with data entered through the running form? If need be, I can move the information to a table and load it at run time but I would rather not have to do that. (Tight Deadlines and all) Thanks
  5. Greetings, I have a combo box that is loaded via the properties definition. (Items / Collection) What I have been tasked to do is allow the user to add a new value if the value is not found in the list presented. Is there a way to do this ? Or Do I need to load this combo box from a table? I would prefer to load from the Properties/Item/Collection however I can modify the data source if there is not another way. Before you wonder.. I did do a search through the forums for a solution and found quite a few for loading from a table or file but none using the Properties/Item/Collection. Thanks
  6. .Net via IE Browser etc Hi, Thanks for the link to the FTPOnline site, I will check that out. *returns from visiting site* I read the article in question and will be doing a test of that process. Hopefully it will work although I am not certain that the security levels of those viewing the app will be able to run the DLL's etc. Thanks again for the help!
  7. Hi, Tha app is written in a windows style rather than web as per the system requirements so that is not an option. Creating a hack to make this possible isnt a task I want to undertake just for this purpose. Based upon my web searches and responses to this thread, it doenst seem possible to provide this sort of functionality simply and easily. Thanks,
  8. .Net Win App via Browser
  9. Hi, a newbie to VB.Net in every sense of the word. And so I have a newbie style question .... Is it possible to run a .NET windows Application via a Browser session started via an Html link? i.e. I have a windows application that I have running on a local PC and want to be able to have someone at a remote location (i.e. over the corporate lan) be able to view and use. This would be for training and status purposes and I wish to avoid the need to download the most current versions' MSI and install on the local machine. The reason for avoiding the download/install is that for 99% of the non-developer workstations, the ability to install software have been restricted to updates etc. Thanks! I thought the best approach would be to provide a link on a webpage hosted on the windows app host pc. This link would open a browser window and within that browser window would be the Windows .Net app. This windows app is currently being developed and I want to be able to provide a functional point of reference for those who will be training other as well as a status ..as it were. Is this possible? Thanks
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