I am running a software program that uses SMTP to email information. I can email the information to people within my company, but when I try to email via SMTP to someone outside of the company, I receive the following error:
The size of the attachment exceeds the size of the size that your smtp server is willing to accept.-Error in cSmtp.Send.SendMessage:(sending message) Could not access 'CDO.Message" object.
Apparently this is a generic message and my IT person says it has to do with
authentication issue. He tried setting the SMTP settings to the IP address of the Exchange server as well as the NETBIOS and DNS names without luck.
Anything outside of the local domain, the server is seeing as an attempted relay attempt. In other words, it appears that exchange is seeing these messages as an attempt by a Spammer or other server to relay messages through the Exchange server which exchange is set to block.
I appreciate any feedback.