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  1. wow, I'm amazed at the lack of people in a situation similar to my own. I started programming in college. Liked math and needed some filler courses to take and programming looked interesting (and a way to get employed). Interesting turned into a second major. My school taught in c++ so thats what I did. Some PROLOG for AI stuff and a little LISP for flavor but the vast majority of it was c++. Talk about a rough intro to programming. After the fact I'm kinda happy that they did it that way. After so much time in c++ everything else seems like cake. (well, aside from the class that we had to do assembly in, that blew)
  2. mskeel: Your like to bad patents makes me believe things are worse off than I had thought. It took about 5 minutes to convince myself that NewScientist was not a satire magazine but actually reporting the truth. How the heck did Bill get away with patenting the click? I almost hope that he bribed someone in the patent office because the alternative is the people running the patent office are only slightly dumber than the desk my computer sits on and that is more frightening, especially if you start thinking about what people could patent using DNA (I call first dibs on conception :D).
  3. Yeah, I was just hoping to avoid this seeing as how microsoft had a perfectly functioning word-wrapable tabstrip in 6.0 (btw, SSTab was a microsoft component you had to add, not the generic tabstrip that came already on the toolbox. It did everything you'd expect from the a tabstrip.) While your suggestion would work I was hoping for something a little more elegant especially since the project I'm working with has multiple layers of tabstrips, each layer having a user-defined number of tabs and controls for each tab. If anyone else has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them otherwise I'm prolly just gonna give up on the whole .net thing and go back to 6 for this project all for the want of a word-wraping tabstrip. Thanks for the thought though.
  4. Hi First, sorry if this is a crosspost, I posted at xtremevbtalk.com too. I'm new to the forums and .net in general but I've spent the past two days looking for an answer to my question and hopefully someone here will have one. I'm trying to make the text of the tabs wordwrap. I know this is easily doable in 6.0 using the SSTAB control but I'm in .net now and cant seem to figure it out. Ive tried using the SSTAB control in .net and that wraps just fine but it seems to be busted for use as an actual container. ie, I cant figure out how to add controls to each individual tab without them appearing on top of the SSTab control instead of in the appropriate tab page. If anyone knows how to either A: enable wordwrap in TabControl or B: make the SSTAB control useful again I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks
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