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  1. How to export mesh 3ds max to dx files??? or what is the name of the 3ds max plug-in to export mesh into a dx file???
  2. You can monitor all active windows and inactive windows through API Functions(i really can't remember which function)... You can compute any part of the screen with the use of ScreenTwipsPerPixelX and ScreenTwipsPerPixelY (i'm not sure with it, just that as i remember it sounds like those).... And with flash, i know i've tried it once just i can't remember...i'll check it out...
  3. Try This: On your Microsoft Word, under tool menu, then record macro... then open any .doc file, then print... under tool menu again stop recording.... then try openning the macro you have recorded, then you can see how vba code for Microsoft word in openning and printing... In VB.Net, ('i've never tried this vb.net, but in previous vb, i've done a quite sometimes but not with Microsoft word, perhaps in Microsft Excel.) Add the .dll or .tlb (not sure!) Microsoft Word into your reference. then Create Object for word, then etc., etc.... I'm not sure about this, just try it...
  4. thanks, i better check it...
  5. ok i will try it... thanks....
  6. thanks, lately i'm really in confusions which is better to use, i owe you one...
  7. Thanks.... I hope that I could start with direct x programming the soonest... I'm looking forward for more advise and teaching from you... Ieuan
  8. I'm not yet into in vb.net programming, but according to my experience in VB6 programming, when I use Microsoft Access as the database in my projects, then the target client don't need to install Microsoft Access as long as they need to have required MDAC, right!? I wonder if I use SQL Server 2000 as my Database, would i need to install it to my target client? So then, which is better to use?
  9. I'm not ASP.Net Programmer or not even a Classic ASP Programmer, but i wanna learn these stuffs. In this is the situation... I tried oppening the Web Application Under VB.Net in Visual Studio.NET 2003 from my PC. an error prompted... ERROR: The Web Server reported the following error when attempting to create or open the web project located at the following URL: 'http://SERVER_IEUAN/WebApplication1'.'The server name or addresss could not be resolved'. I tried also in another PC which PC has no IIS in the administrative tools, and still an error prompted... ERROR: Visual Studio .NET cannot create or open the application because no Web Server was detected at this URL:'http://localhost/WebApplication1.' Make sure the Web Server is installed and running. Anyways... These are some properties and settings on my PC Internet Information Services Web Sharing Default Web Sites SERVER_Ieuan SERVER_Ieuan (Folder Properties) Web Sharing Share on: Default Web Site Share this folder Aliases: SERVER_Ieuan Access Permissions: Read, Write, Script source access, directory browsing Applications Permissions: Execute (include scripts) Default Web Site Properties Home Directory A redirection to a URL Redirect to http://Ieuan_localhost The exact URL entered above A directory below this one A permanent redirection for this resource I had display some settings and properties because I think I need to adjust some of it or maybe change it... What should I do? thanks........
  10. can anyone join? even dumb vb games i have two i programs at home.. One with a little flash animations, would it be fine?
  11. thanks... I don't think, I've tried that before... what exactly is the -i, anyway? what is it for?
  12. ERROR: the web server reported the following url: http://MY_SERVER/WebApplication1. the server name or address could not be resolved.. alright, i'll try browsing the http://localhost... thanks...
  13. What about games like warcraft III, battle Realms, even diablo or like games? Does this kind of games use the managed directx or ...? Anyways, thanks, I'm still not into this yet, thanks anyway for the advise... I'm just seeking for references for me to start with...
  14. I never tried asp.net or even the classic asp or even any of server side programming... then lately, since i don't have any to do i wanna try the asp.net... The situation goes like this, i tried creating new project in visual studio.net 2003 selecting asp.net web application under vb.net. Suddenly an error was prompted. I really can't remember the description and number of that error. Well I guess, creating a virtual folder is the solution or setting it up as a server, but according to what happen still prompts an error.... I tried creating new virtual folder in the IIS under the administrative tools in Windows XP.... I tried it under FTP Sites and something above it.... And I also openning the Properties of one of the folder and edit the data under the web sharing tab.... But still then prompted an error.... Please teach me how.... Thanks....
  15. Never tried directx programming before! From conversations, there is the native code and managed directx right? Perhaps, i cannot comprehend the difference between the native code and managed directx? Please tell me the differences.... and when to use? From the articles in MSDN before in Visual Studio 6, I discovered that we only can have the native code through Visual C++. And i wonder in .net framework, can we write the native code by the use of C# or vb.net? Cause i admit that programming in visual c++ is a pain in the brain, even i do write c++ programs before.... Thanks anyway....
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