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Xtreme .Net Talk

Nate Bross

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Everything posted by Nate Bross

  1. I've used FusionCharts with good success; however, they are Adobe Flash based -- not native .NET.
  2. it looks like you referenced the x64 Direct X libraries -- are you on a windows 64bit machine?
  3. I have an existing class library, with alot of functionallity, I would like to expose these methods/biz objects as a service. I have several command line utilities that use this library as a normal reference, and the .exe and .dll reside in the same directory, but I'd like to be able to expose some of the data access methods as a service so I can access them via ASP.NET, WPF Browser, or Silverlight. [Point being that I'd like to "wrap" the functionallity in the class library in a service so I can update the .dll in the necessary folders and it will not require re-referencing my service or any of the command line apps I've written that already use the .dll version.] Which way will be the best implimentation a WCF Service (can you provide me any resources for getting started with WCF?) or a traditional Asmx Service? TIA
  4. You may want to look into this method: this.Controls.Find(string,true); you will then need to pass in the exact name, not just part of it.
  5. Not sure exactly what you mean, windows no longer runs ontop of dos, but you can still execute commandline programs. Try this: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("yourCommandLine.exe /arg /arg /arg"); As for talking to hardware running dos, I'd need more information to give you advice.
  6. That is because they are now flags, so when you say FontStyle.Italic or FontStyle.Bold you are using the binarmy math on those two, thus turning on both bits. See this for further clarification.
  7. Which of these methods do you use, and why? namespace some.longish.winded.name.space { class something { } } or namespace some { namespace longish { namespace winded { namespace name { namespace space { class something { } } } } } } Clearly the second approach leads to much greater level of indentation, which could be annoying on a small screen. What advantages do you see to one over the other?
  8. Try this: http://www.csharphelp.com/archives2/archive301.html You may need to get the window handle of the button ON the form.
  9. You may want to look into the FindWindow API -- you will then need to get the hwnd of the specific button on that window, again using FindWindow IIRC. HTH
  10. I don't know, but my guess is that you created a "race" condition, update made to client was replicated to server, and the server was replicated to the network drive. I think that the issue may have been doing both at once. What size file did you test with? I'd try a 1kb text file since even a race condition there would only last a few seconds. You may want to schedule events to do these file transfers.
  11. Are there specific error messages (from the reporting in Vista) that you could post? Is it possible that you have a different version of .NET on this Vista machine? If you target 3.5 Framework and only have 2.0 installed your application may load and fail to initialzie some 3.5 libraries -- thus causing a crash. You might put a Try/Catch in your application load and log the error to a text file. HTH
  12. I would go with the List(of T) because it is easier to work with. In terms of performance it depends what you are doing. Generally IMO it's not worth the slight gain in most cases.
  13. IN .NET your 194, 217, 247 = R, G, B ' thus ' R = 194 ' G = 217 ' B = 247 'Visual Basic stores this as a Long (integer) ' this calculation should work Color = (256 * 256 * B) + G * 256 + R 'or the bult-in VB function RGB can calculate the Long value for you Color = RGB (R,G,B)
  14. So in general there is not a more elegant version of the code I posted from MSDN? Is there any performance loss by doing things this way?
  15. Yes, you should always initalize variables to a value. In Visual Baisc the compiler will set them to Nothing if you dont. In languages like C or Java you will have a "garbage" value if you don't manually initalize, so it is almost required to initalize with a value. I recommend you always initalize to a value. I like using "String.Empty" for Strings only because there's no chance of something being in between your double quotes. Dim errMsg as String = String.Empty
  16. I don't know if <ListItem> supports controls inside of it; can you use some sort of TemplateItem inside the <RadioButtonList>?
  17. String[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("YourFilePath.log"); foreach (String line in lines) { if (line.Contains(yourKeyWord) == true) { //do work } } This could also be done without the extra variable, but the above helps illustrate what is happening. foreach (String line in System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("YourFilePath.log")) { if (line.Contains(yourKeyWord) == true) { //do work } }
  18. I generally use Parameters.AddWithValue() method and have never seen an issue. I don't think there should really be much difference though.
  19. What sum are you trying to calculate? int i1 = 2; int i2 = 5; int sum = i1+ i2; // not sure on the syntax for dataList // maybe rows[index][columnIndex] dataList.Columns[index] = sum;
  20. Whats the markup that you are trying to use? You should be able to use a Template Column and in there you should be able to put other ASP.NET controls inside.
  21. From the MSDN Documentation it looks like I need to impliment Dependency Properties in order to achieve true databinding functionallity. This is the sample code that is provided from MSDN: public static readonly DependencyProperty IsSpinningProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "IsSpinning", typeof(Boolean), ... ); public bool IsSpinning { get { return (bool)GetValue(IsSpinningProperty); } set { SetValue(IsSpinningProperty, value); } } Do me this seems like double work, am I missing something? It looks like all that happens is the Dependency Property replaces the local variable I would have used, but instead now I must do extra converting in my get/set blocks. I'd appreciate other's thoughts on this.
  22. All that a barcode scanner does is act like an additional keyboard, as long as the curosor is in the correct field, when you scan the field will be populated with data from the barcode scanner. Upon postback, you can do what you want with the data in the field.
  23. System.Guid.NewGuid(); or remove the; for VB. Although in SQL Server if you do an insert it should automatically give you an ID if you set a primary key.
  24. What is the code that is not working? You might try something like progressFormWithOKButton.Show(); at the end of the method that does the database work.
  25. Ideally it would be two way databinding. I'm looking for anything to get me started using my existing objects. As a side note for future projects, I'd be interested in how I should be writing my business objects for future so that they will support WPF databinding.
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