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Xtreme .Net Talk

Nate Bross

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Everything posted by Nate Bross

  1. Very strange, but I'm glad you got the issue resolved!
  2. I have used Brinkster with great sucess. (brinkster.com) I also hear that the hosting from GoDaddy is pretty good as well, but I haven't used it. (GoDaddy.com)
  3. If it exists it would probably be in the SystemEvents class.
  4. Have you verified the output of the .ini file? By all accounts that looks like it should work.
  5. Can you post the code that is failing? MrPauls code should work, if your "log.txt" file is not in the same directory as the binary, your array may be of length zero. Try this If System.IO.File.Exists("log.txt") Then '... MrPaul's code Else MessageBox.Show("File not found") End If
  6. A good point that a quick test of my code would have shown, my being to quick on the draw at the expense of accuracy ;) Thats a known issue in Nate v1.0, I'm working on that bug fix all the time...
  7. I was thinking JavaScript and Dynamic Data Services, but it doesn't sound like you are using that. If that were the case, it would be possible that different methods of access (VPN, intranet, internet) could yeild different DNS responses causing JavaScript/Dynamic Data Services to give similar results to what you are seeing because DNS may be differet based on access method. Is anyone able to consistently access the system from their intranet (not VPN)? It doesn't sound like a browser issue, it sounds like a networking issue to me.
  8. Has the server been rebooted? (when it doubt, reboot). Are the network settings on the ASP.NET Server such that it has access to the SQL Server? Is there any client side data access?
  9. Maybe I'm dense, but I'm having trouble visualizing what you are trying to do, can you post a screen shot of it working with 32bit textures?
  10. Woot, a movement for change...
  11. It would be really cool, if the OP could mark a specific post as the solution to their problem. Then in the search, have an option for "un answered questions" in addition to "answered questions". Just a thought.
  12. I don't quite understand what your objective is could you clarify a little bit more? It's possible there is another approach to this problem that may have a more simple implementation.
  13. If you are using .NET 3.5 you could use LINQ to XML. Scott Gu has a good example here. If using prior version of .NET, this article may be worth a read.
  14. What update/hotfix was installed? Is there a KB article associated with it?
  15. If the data is on the same line number, and in the same character position every time, this should get you started Dim lines as String() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("log.txt") For Each line as String in lines 'Process line ' If line is 12, get printer name Console.WriteLine(line.Substring(34,lengthOfPrinterName)) Next Alternatly, you could index directly to the 12th line, since lines is an array of type String. lines(12).Substring(34,lengthOfPrinterName)
  16. If you are under the constraints of another control/library that only accepts a file path as input then I'd say that is probably the best you'll be able to do. One thing you may try is to check if the files already exist before you export the resources, using the resources as a "backup" for when/if users delete the files by mistake you can then "refresh" the data from the resources.
  17. It can make sense to write zeros initially to prevent disk fragmentation, but I agree that there are other things to take into consiteration. Bittorrent uses HTTP to transfer the hash count of the file and then the application writes zeros to the file and downloads the parts necessary based on the hash.
  18. Going from VB6 to .NET (first VB, then C#) was difficult for me, because of issues exactly like this one. It took me a while before I figured out that when you add a reference to a COM object, a type of wrapper class is created so you can access the COM object from .NET.
  19. After you've created the reference, you should be able to use the objects as they are defined in the library, you shouldn't need to use reflection. Instead of looping foreach(object...) you'll want to try something like foreach(Lblvw.Document.Field...)
  20. Have you added a reference to the binary that contains Lblvw.Document ? After you do that, you should be able to add the necessary using's at the top of your source file and treat it like an object. You'll probably need to add the reference as a "COM Reference".
  21. You could always use performance monitor (Start -> Run -> perfmon) to do some testing to see if writing a 2MB file uses similar Disk IO as updating 2MB of your 1GB file.
  22. Is it a bad idea to use expose LINQ to SQL objects as data objects? It exposes the presentation layer directly to the database, even if it is through a class, that class directly relates to the database fields, etc which is supposed to be bad, right? If that is the case, then what use is LINQ to SQL doing the busy work of creating my business object classes for me? Thoughts?
  23. Something like this should work, no? public void doWork<T>(IList<T> theList) { } Public Sub doWork(Of T)(theList As IList(Of T)) End Sub
  24. When I mark object with [DataContract] only the private objects are available on the Client Side and NO methods what-so-ever. If I mark with [OperationContract] I get the methods (as expected) but NO Properties. Simplified Class that is giving me trouble: public Class myClass { String myVal = String.Empty; public String MyVal { //get/set for myVal } // no parm constructor public myClass() {} public myClass(String val) { myVal = val; } public Boolean ValidMyVal() { if(myVal.Length > 5) return true; else return false; } } Problem being that from WCFClient I cannot use the Constructor with parms to set my value, and I cannot access the public properties to set the values myself. I can deal with the [DataContract] only providing access to its private members, but I think it should be exposing it's public properties, and only giving access to private memebrs via (get/set)ers in said properties. TIA
  25. One issue that I am having specifically is that WCF does not expose my entire object. My business objects, which contain mostly properties, and a few methods for loading those properties are not available on the WCF Client side. Should I create methods in my service for these few "data loading" methods in my business objects?
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