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Everything posted by bjay55

  1. bjay55

    Track .exe

    Perfect Thank You for your reply. That is exactly what I needed. That is a cool website.
  2. bjay55

    Track .exe

    I was wondering if there was a way to track what files or registries a excutable file accesses while it is running. Thank You for any help.
  3. I need to get the handle to a toolstriplabel control in a toolstrip. Any help greatly appreciated.
  4. Found Something That Works I found something that works for getting the link target and description. I found the function GetLinkInfo, it is in the sheltarg.dll file. Private Function GetLinkTarget(ByVal filename As String) As String Dim ret As Integer Dim path, description As String path = Space$(256) description = Space$(256) ret = GetLinkInfo(Me.Handle, filename, path, description) GetLinkTarget = path End Function Thanks for all your replies.
  5. Using visual basic .net, I was wondering how I would be able to get the target file of a shortcut (.lnk file). Thank you for any help.
  6. I was wondering if I could use Microsoft Active Accessibility to get the current url from an active web browser window. I don't know anything about this or how to use it but would appreciate it if you could help me with this. Thank you for any help.
  7. I have been trying to get the current url from a open internet explorer program, but have had no luck. I was able to do this in vb 6 with a label control and the linkTopic, linkItem, linkMode, and linkRequest properties like so: .LinkTopic = "netscape6|WWW_GetWindowInfo" .LinkItem = "0xffffffff" .LinkMode = 2 .LinkRequest but with vb.net there seems to be no .linkTopic or the others. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you.
  8. Thank you very much That worked great for me. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
  9. I was wondering how I would be able to retrieve internet cache entries with visual basic .net. Thank You for any help.
  10. Thanks Hey, Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I actually don't need the color change to be permanent so I'm alright. Thanks
  11. The setsyscolors does get the job done, but it refreshes all the windows open at the time. If internet explorer is open it causes a pretty ugly flash, so it will work temporarily but I think I will keep trying to find a permanent fix. Hey, thanks alot for your help. See ya later.
  12. Still does not work The desktop still does not change color. You can see that the desktop icons are being refreshed because they flicker but the background color does not change.
  13. Good Idea But Did Not Work I tried what you said with the spi_setdeskpattern but it did not work. I also tried spi_setdeskwallpaper and it did not work either. I am trying to follow the messages from the desktop while I change the background color with the display properties window to figure out which messages I could send to the desktop to get it to change the background color according to the regestry value. Do you think this could eventually lead to a solution?
  14. Finally got it, thank you I really appreciate your help, Thankyou very much. I got what I neede to work, thankyou. I have just started programming not to long ago and am just starting to learn how to use the api. This is really cool, you can do just about anything with the api it seems. I am working on another problem which is : when you change the background color of the desktop in the desktop settings window, I am trying to figure out how windows does it. After change the registry value "Control Panel\Colors-Background, they are able to update or refresh the windows background according to the new color value in the registry. I watched the messages as I changed the background color but one of them is 0x0000031a and I don't know what that is. Once agian, thank you for your help. greatly appreciated.
  15. What I have so far Thank you for your reply and help. Here is what I have come up with so far. Dim appProcesses As Process() = _ Process.GetProcessesByName(Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName) If appProcesses.Length > 1 Then Dim time As Date = appProcesses(0).StartTime Dim time2 As Date = appProcesses(1).StartTime If time < time2 Then handle = appProcesses(0).MainWindowHandle.ToInt32 Else handle = appProcesses(1).MainWindowHandle.ToInt32 End If result = OpenIcon(handle) result = SetForegroundWindow(handle) End End If This code checks for a previous instance of the program and if there is one ends the current and brings the previous instance to front of all other windows. This works except when the program is minimized to the system tray. The value of handle when the program is minimized to the system tray is 0.
  16. How would I restore a program that is in the system tray to normal from another program. Could I do this by using the handle of this program and if so how would I get the handle. Any help greatly appreciated. Thankyou
  17. Solved I figured out how to get the multi-string value. What I did is put [~] between each string in the value property of the registry value. When installed the key value is of type REG_MULTI_SZ.
  18. I am using the setup and deployment for a visual basic .net project. When I install the program I need to create a few registry values in the users registry. The problem is that I need one of them to be a multi-string value and I cannot find that value type. All the values I found are string, environment string, binary, and dword. How do I create a registry value of multi-string? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thankyou
  19. Thanks Thats ok, thaks for your help. Greatly appreciated.
  20. Got it! Hey, I got it working. I had declared the function wrong. this did not work: Declare Function SetSysColors Lib "user32" (ByVal nChanges As Long, ByRef lpSysColor As Long, ByRef lpColorValues As Long) As Long this worked: Declare Function SetSysColors Lib "user32" (ByVal nChanges As Integer, ByRef lpSysColor As Integer, ByRef lpColorValues As Integer) As Integer
  21. Still having trouble I declared the setsyscolors function Private Declare Function SetSysColors Lib "user32" (ByVal nChanges As Long, ByVal lpSysColor As Long, ByVal lpColorValues As Integer) As Long then used this code but the desktop color does not change color. Dim ret As Long Const COLOR_BACKGROUND = 1 ret = SetSysColors(1, COLOR_BACKGROUND, RGB(100, 100, 100)) the function returns the number 8975933078237085696. Am I doing something wrong. Would greatly appreciate your help.
  22. I have changed the desktop color value at - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors\Background in the registry, but to get change to take effect I have to restart the computer. How would I make the change take effect without restarting the computer. Thanks in advance for any help.
  23. I was wondering how you would change the color of windows desktop with visual basic .net. Thanks for any help
  24. Thank you Thank you very much for your help. I've just started using .net and am trying to learn all the different ways of doing things. Thank you again.
  25. i was wondering how you make a button the default button on a form, using visual basic .net. In visual basic 6 the command button had a property called default but i cannot find any such property in .net. You help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou
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