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  1. I've got two seperate directories on the same server. ValidPath = "\\imgnas1\vol1\TESTVOL\VOL01238\IMAGEVOL\2003091600603" & ValidPath = "\\imgnas1\vol1\imagevol\vol01238\imagevol\2003091600603" The only difference is on the "imagevol" dir I have read and execute permissions whereas "testvol" I have all permissions. I'm getting an accessed denied when I execute this line of code: Dim dirs As String() = Directory.GetFiles(ValidPath, "*.*") The directory that I'm getting the error on is the "testvol" directory; the one I have full permissions to!! The other directory works fine. Can anyone point me in the right direction on where to go to debug this and figure out why I can't perform a simple getfiles command? Thanks in advance Ben
  2. I'm sorry...thanks for the quick response; but I just figured out what I need to do. I use the Application.ThreadException
  3. I am trying to write a "global error handler" in vb.net. I'm trying to do something like this... Module Module1 Public mainForm As System.Windows.Forms.Form Sub Main() Try mainForm = New Form1 Application.Run(mainForm) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("error has occurred") End Try End Sub End Module The program runs, but when I get an error it gives me the "normal" windows/.NET error box; not my msgbox(). Any thoughts??? Thanks Ben
  4. Yeah, that's a good idea and I'm sure it would work. However, if I could find a way around keeping track of a public variable that would be ideal. I can't find any z-order assistance in the .NET help files...there's a surprise.
  5. Hello fellow Fox coder... I think I may have some code that would be helpful. imageList.Images.Add(Bitmap.FromFile("c:\weblookup\exclem.ico")) imageList.Images.Add(Bitmap.FromFile("c:\weblookup\misc02.ico")) lbHistory.SmallImageList = imageList Me.lbHistory.Items.Add(strWork, 0).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Fuchsia These four lines of code should come in handy. Let me know if you need further help. I'm doing this in the current VB.NET app I'm working on; so I ought to be able to help... Good luck Ben
  6. I have a form with 5 different web browsers and depending on which site I need to navigate to I invoke that particular web browsers bringtofront method and sendtoback on all the others; thus making the appropriate one visible. I need a way to determine which one I have on the top. Is it the z-order? How do I interrogate a web browser control's z-order? Any thoughts? Thanks Ben
  7. From my main form, in a combo box, I call a second form like this: dim NewForm as form2 NewForm = new form2 NewForm.show After the user completes their work in form2, I need to get back to form1. How can I do this? If I do this from form2... dim OrigForm as form1 OrigForm = form1 form1.show ...it creates another instance of form1. I need to get back to my original form1. How can I go back and forth from one form to another without re-creating them each time? Thanks in advance Ben
  8. Nevermind...figured it out. I had to add the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook assembly to the C:\WINDOWS\ASSEMBLY directory...then it worked. Thanks PD, you got me headed in the right direction!
  9. Outlook is on the other machine and yes it is the same version. But I don't think Office is installed on that PC
  10. When I run this code on my PC, it works fine - I send the email to myself and it works. But when I deploy it to another PC, it gives me some Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook dll error. I'm assuming I need to make a setup project for deployment purposes; but what dll/files do I need to add? Here is my code... Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop Public Class Form1 Public Sub Send_Email() Dim oOutlook As New Outlook.Application Dim oMailitem As Outlook.MailItem Dim oAttach As Outlook.Attachment oMailitem = oOutlook.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem) oMailitem.To = "johndoe@somewhere.com" oMailitem.Subject = "My Subject" Try oMailitem.Attachments.Add("C:\TEST.TXT") Catch ex As Exception End Try oMailitem.Send() End Sub End Class Any thoughts would be helpful, Thanks Ben
  11. Hey cool, that works...thanks!
  12. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim i As Integer = 1 For i = 1 To 100000 Me.Label1.Text = Str(i) & " of 100000" Me.Refresh() Next End Sub When I click my Button1 and then click on another window, say Windows Explorer or Outlook, etc., my VB.NET form obviously loses focus. When I come back to it it doesn't refresh until the loop is completed. Is there anyway to either keep the VB.NET form modal; not just within my VB.NET app but throughout all of the windows that are up on my PC? Or is there a way to keep it running in the background or refresh it upon activating? I've tried the activated event, but it still waits for the for loop to finish. Any thoughts? Thanks Ben
  13. Well I figured out how to capture the Web Browser, scroll down a page, capture again, and continue until I'm at the end. Then I just concatenate all the images together into one. It's "flashy" and a "tad too early 90s", but it works. Anyone have a method of capturing the Web Browser in one quick, swift stroke? VB.NET Thanks Ben
  14. I'm sending data to the mainframe using a CICS buffer in VB.NET and I need to figure out how to send it COMP-3 fields (packed data). Does anyone know how this might be done? Thanks in advance, Ben
  15. Thanks a ton, to both of you!
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