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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Lazlo

  1. Hi I trying to set the texture to a cube, but when I render it the box just gets the textures main color. I use the following code to create and set the texture to the box Mesh = Mesh.Box(Device, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ) Texture = TextureLoader.FromFile(Device, CurDir() & "\Textures\" & TexturePath, 0, 0, 0, 0, Format.Unknown, Pool.Default, Filter.Linear, Filter.Linear, Color.Blue.ToArgb)
  2. Problem Solved I solved the problem and it´s working just fine ;)
  3. I´m using the code below to load a .x file, but can´t figure out how to load the textures from the X file. :confused: Plz help me with som code snippets showing how to do this. Mesh = Mesh.FromFile(Application.StartupPath & "/Map.X", MeshFlags.Dynamic, obj3DDevice) MeshMaterials = New Material MeshMaterials.Ambient = Color.White obj3DDevice.Material = MeshMaterials MeshTextures = TextureLoader.FromFile(obj3DDevice, Application.StartupPath & "/texture.bmp")
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