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  1. i have posted in the ASP.NET section and i don't know why they have moved my post because if i put the VB.NET tag in the ASP.NET section... it's webform :)
  2. how can i do that "to create RTFBOX(winform) into an aspx.vb file"?
  3. hi everyone i need to convert a text in RTF format into a normal text for example, i have a string that contain this : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2060{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\fs20 Bruxelles: deux jours apr\'e8s la journ\'e9e internationale de la femme, Suzanne Moubarak a \'e9t\'e9 re\'e7ue au S\'e9nat par la pr\'e9sidente Anne-Marie Lizin; pr\'e9sidente du mouvement Women for Peace, l'\'e9pouse du pr\'e9sident \'e9gyptien milite activement pour l'\'e9galit\'e9 entre les hommes et les femmes.\b0\fs20 \par } how can i transform this into a normal text best regards
  4. hi i have a string in RTF format how can i read it correctly? do i need activex? if yes which one? thanks a lot.
  5. hi i have a function who returns a string as a xml format but i don't know how to use this xml how can i display that? with datalist? label? table? i have tried the datalist but i'm lost... thanks in advance
  6. Hi everyone, i have a XML File who returns sometimes a text (ok no probleme there) and sometimes RTF format so i have this : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2060\b\f0\fs20 Environnement: les consommations d'\'e9nergie en R\'e9gion bruxelloise ont augment\'e9 de 15 pc entre 1990 et 2002 et les \'e9missions de gaz \'e0 effet de serre de 10 pc. Pour tenter d'inverser cette tendance, la ministre r\'e9gionale en charge de l'Energie, Evelyne Huytebroeck, a donn\'e9 aujourd'hui le signal de d\'e9part d'une campagne de sensibilisation aux \'e9conomies d'\'e9nergie et pr\'e9sent\'e9 son plan d'actions. Parmi celles qu'elle compte entreprendre dans le cadre d'un budget (pr\'e8s de 5 millions d'euros) revu \'e0 la hausse de 50 pc, il s'agira notamment d'inciter les citoyens et les entreprises \'e0 investir autrement aujourd'hui pour consommer moins demain. \par \b0 \par Vue g\'e9n\'e9rale de Bruxelles sous un ciel pollu\'e9. \par Autres chemin\'e9es et colonnes de fum\'e9e \'e0 Bruxelles. \par Soleil orange per\'e7ant une atmosph\'e8re pollu\'e9e au dessus de Bruxelles. \par Interview d'Evelyne Huytebroeck, Ministre bruxelloise de l'Environnement et de l'Energie. \par Pr\'e9production pr\'e9sentant la brochure du plan de la ministre. \par Christophe Grandjean couvrant une casserole avec un couvercle. \par Plan du douche vide fonctionnant. (archives) \par Rayon \'e9lectrom\'e9nager dans une grande surface. (archives) \par Suite de l'itv d'Evelyne Huytebroeck. \par Pr\'e9production pr\'e9sentant la facture \'e9nerg\'e9tique des bruxellois. \par Ampoule \'e9lectrique s'\'e9teignant. \par Autre panoramique du ciel de Bruxelles.\b\f1 \par } as you can see, the text is unreadable... my question is : can i transform this RTF format into a format readable with XSL? tanks in advance best regards
  7. great! a lot of thanks kahlua001 !!!
  8. Hi, i would like to know how to get the number of connected user and the total visit of the website i have tried the Session("VisitorConnected") and Application("Visit") into global.asax but not very concluant how can i make this thanks in advance.
  9. so if i want to get a web portal, i have to insert table into table into table etc... and that is the CSS style file who change the style of the website, right?
  10. i have to create a web application on ASPX/VB.NET and i use for it the FRAMESET but a lot of people says it's no good and not clean what i have to use to create a "beautiful/dynamic" web portal? thanks in advance
  11. Hi everyone, i would like to know if it's possible to stream video in VB.NET, if yes, how? the video file is in MPG4 format on the server and i have to stream into MPG1 to the client. i have to let the user control the video (like WMP on internet) and i have to manage the multicast (when a user request a video already requested) and about picture i have to compress the picture (JPEG2000 format) into 12ko file and send to the client, when he received the complete archive, he have to decompress the "compress file" to see the picture thanks in advance.
  12. no one know?
  13. hi there i would like to create a button who allows everybody to add the website in the favorites thanks in advance.
  14. ok then, i will try your link very thanks
  15. hi guys! do u know how to disable the right click on asp.net/vb.net who works on any browser? i have a javascript code but it work only on IE, not on firefox/mozilla thanks.
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