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Everything posted by Nerseus

  1. Here's a link I just found by accident. It reports on average salaries for jobs in a particular region. I'm not sure about your area, but it seems to be roughly on target for my area (they give fairly wide ranges, but the average looks about right). http://salary.hotjobs.com/ -Nerseus
  2. If indeed every piece of info is separated by a space, there's you regular expression match. As divil said, it won't do type conversions automatically but if you know the type in C/C++ (%f %s, etc.) then you can call the appropriate Convert.Toxxx function or whatever you like (Int32.Parse(), etc.). Regular expressions can match in other ways than just spaces, of course - I'd take a look at the help file on them for some basic info to get started. -Nerseus
  3. Robby's code shows how to loop through the Rows collection. If you're binding and need a MoveNext, MovePrevious, you'll have to look at the Form's BindingContext property. It's an array that exposes a Position property - the help files have a lot of good info and samples on how to implement the usual next/prev binding code. -Nerseus
  4. Just to be clear(er), DirectX encompasses a whole suite of functionality, not just graphics. DirectX is used professionally for games, CAD programs, music programs, and video. When I create home movies, for instance, it uses DirectShow (part of DirectX). DirectDraw and Direct3D get the most "hype" as technologies used in games, but they are used in many windows applications that need high performance graphics. As a developer, it's up to you to pick and choose what you use - GDI, OpenGL, or DirectX for instance. -Nerseus
  5. Ah, I didn't read it close enough. You were right the first time, regular expressions with the Matches collection. :) -ner
  6. You want a DataView object. You can create one from a DataSet with something like: DataView view = new DataView(dataSet1.Tables["Table1"], "filtercol = 4"); You can specify some pretty advanced filters, including checking for nulls and more. The DataView can also provide sorting (an optional parameter to the contructor or overloaded constructor, depending on your language :)) -Nerseus
  7. I'm not sure about the codegen:nullValue thing. I use the minOccurs property - set it to 0 to allow DBNull values. I would have thought this got put in if you created the table by dragging from server explorer, but haven't it in awhile. -Nerseus
  8. Yes, we need more info. Are you screen scraping a website, a Telnet address, just a blob of text, or an actual screenshot (just pixels)? If it's just pixels, you're in for a world of hurt. If it's a blob of text (such as reading screens from 1320 terminals or somesuch), you might be able to use regular expression. For website scraping, I have no idea though I know people have done it... -Nerseus
  9. If I remember right, there are no built-in combobox controls for .NETs DataGrid, it only comes with textbox and checkbox. I know there are a number of free-b controls available (with source) and a number of professional controls for purchase that add this. I downloaded the code for a ComboBox control and changed it to use a DateEdit control as well - turned out pretty nice. I don't have the code anymore though, I think I archived it inthe recycle bin when building my new machine :( -Nerseus
  10. I think you need to use the GridTableStylesCollection with a new DataGridTableStyle to define individual column widths. Not 100% sure as I haven't used the .NET grid too much, but I think that's the route to go. -ner
  11. Check out this thread -Nerseus
  12. If you just want a context menu, set the ContextMenu property of the control. It will override any built-in windows context menu, such as a TextBox's Copy/Cut/Paste - so you'll have to add them manually if you want those menus plus your own. If you want to do something special before showing the context menu, you'll have to use the MouseDown event. If you want to trigger the menu in the Click event, you'll need to manually keep track of which button was pressed in the MouseDown event (such as a bool variable bRightButtonDown) so that you'll know about it in the Click event (which doesn't give you which buttons are down). There is no right click event :) -Nerseus
  13. String.Format will do the trick. It uses named parameters, such as {0}, {1}, etc. Check the help, but here's a sample: Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Hello {0}. You are {1} years old", "Dan", 31)); -Nerseus
  14. When your program gets the stack overflow, press "Break" then open the Call Stack window (Debug->Windows->Call Stack). You can see all the code executing up to the current error. Lines in black are your code, lines in light grey are .NET code (from DLLs and such). Look for the black lines. Chances are you'll see the same two or three functions/events firing over and over, calling each othe recursively. -Nerseus
  15. I can't say if Access supports them or not, but a connection can call BeginTransaction, which returns a Transaction object that will do what you want. You must assign the connection's returned Transaction object to the Command object for each Command to be part of the same transaction. Check out this link for more info. -Nerseus
  16. That class sounds like 50% code, 50% analysis. There are entire studies on algorithm efficiency, the bases for the class (more or less). I'd guess if you want to learn it, you'd be better off taking the course than trying to do too much by hand. The efficiency (the Big O factor or whatever it's called) is very hard to come by and requires solving a lot of equations using log (which I never quite remembered). They help teach you how to analyze an algorithm to see how fast it will run in best/worst/average case scenarios. While a good thing to know, you're not likely to be coding a lot of complex algorithms in the real world. You may need to code a sort and I'd bet 90% of the people choose either bubble (no!) or insertion (yes!). Searching algorithms are more complex and varied, but again, you'll generally end up falling back on one or two. In my opinion, this is really good if you want to be a math or CS professor OR if your job is in dealing with a TON of data and you'll be writing custom code (possibly assembly) to optimize your algorithms for real-time systems. For the other 99% of the world, analyzing an algorithm to figure out which one is the best for a job is impractical and you'll never do it (outside of college). If you're sorting a grid, for instance, you've probably got 100 items or so max and you don't care if it takes O(n^2) or O(n) - you'll care that it DOESN'T take more than a half second on any given computer :) Sorry I don't have any links or such to help you out - I thought my opinion might help though... -Nerseus
  17. If I might add my $0.02, I'd go with whatever degree you're most interested in. If that's money, do some research to find what each job is paying. Hopefully the money isn't more than 50% of your job choice though :) As for the range in developer salaries, it varies (of course). Government pays the least but has best benefits (vacation, never more than 40 hours/week). You're probably looking at $20k - $30k for entry level (just a guess). Otherwise you'll probably be a tad higher, maybe $25k - $35k. If you have 2 or 3 years experience, your salary could jump significantly, depending on what you pick up (experience, experience, experience). A jump from $25k to $40k after 3 years isn't out the question for instance. At 6 or 8 years, you could be looking at $60k or $70k, then again maybe just $45k. A lot depends on the company (type of work, size, etc.). Another big factor is location - California can make about 80% more so your $25k is closer to $35k or $40. But try to live on $35k in California where a studio apartment is $1800/month and you have to wait 6 months for one to open up... I can't speak for MIS degrees, but I know that Business Analysts and Project managers tend to make less in the beginning than developers. If you're good (and there are surprisingly few ones, that I've seen), you could jump MUCH higher. The really high salary comes from contract work, for both MIS and Developers. It's not as stable, but could easily pay $50/hr or more which comes out to $70k or more in salary... (you have to buy your own health insurance, and you may only work on each job for 3 to 6 months). -Nerseus
  18. I'm guessing you didn't download from the link you provided, but from this one: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=592393a7-c677-4023-8b27-94e61141e9c6&displaylang=en This link is only for C# and requires other things to be downloaded/installed, which it does say to do but it's not in bold - you'd have to read through the first few paragraphs to get to it. I'm only mentioning this so that if someone else has the same problem (which seems fairly common), they can check to see which link they used. -Nerseus PS Come to think of it, mabye divil or some other Funky Monkey could make a sticky topic and add it to the DirectX forum...
  19. The following works for me (in the Form's load event): ComboBox o = new ComboBox(); o.Location = new Point(0, 0); groupBox1.Controls.Add(o); Can you show us your code? -Ner
  20. Try something like this: private bool IsInt(string test) { try { int dummy = Int32.Parse(test); return true; } catch { return false; } } There is no built in "IsNumeric" function in .NET. VB.NET supports the old IsNumeric function (I think) but only for backwards compatability. I wouldn't recommend using it. Also, using the Int32.Parse() method, you can specify extra options like if you want to allow commas as part of a valid string or not. -Nerseus
  21. Oh, it's wired to the hilt allright. I can program (or even post on these forums) from my toilet if I want :) -nerseus
  22. What code are you using to perform your save? Are you building up a SQL String where you do something like "Date.ToString(...)" which might be cutting off the time portion when converting to a string? -nerseus
  23. If I might clarify on Robby's question, can you break out some data logically so that you can use multiple tables? Only you know the real answer, but here are some considerations: Assuming this is a loan application and you need to gather some info about the client (the buyers) you might have tables: Buyer (first, last, middle, DOB, Sex, income, etc.) BuyerAddress (multiple records per Buyer, usually last 3 addresses) BuyerJob (multiple records per Buyer, usually last 3 jobs) etc. etc. If you want to list some of the fields or types of fields you're gathering/storing, we could better offer up what things should look like. You almost definitely CAN'T use one table, as most databases have a limit on the number of columns or MAX data. You can set it when you create your database, but it's generally not a good idea to create massively large tables. You don't want columns named "City1", "City2", "City3", "City4", etc. - instead you'll want to create another table to store addresses. Is that what you were looking for? As far as how you get the data in the database, that's a different question with an equal number of choices depending on speed, transaction support, etc. -nerseus
  24. There is no more Forms collection in .NET, you'll have to create your own if you want this feature. An MDI form does keep track of it's children. You can use: foreach(Form f in this.MdiChildren) { // Use f.Show() or whatever you need... } -ner
  25. Version 2.0++ actually... I'm going from a 3.2 to a 4.2 (bedroom.bathroom). -ner
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