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Everything posted by mookie

  1. i havent tried c# yet but i know its similar. i ddint know if there was an advantage to using it over vb
  2. what type of scanner are you llooking at retrieving data from? a flatbed scanner, barcode scanner?
  3. ok, im still not getting this right. what im trying to do, is list a number of aliases into a list box. this gets done by loading a text file, and looking at each line for the word "*commandalias". I then split the alias into a list array by the following dim list() as string list = split(newline, " " ) what i need to do then is remove the quotes from the string in the text file. im currently doing the following Dim str As String Dim newstr As String Dim id As Integer Do While InStr(list(1), Windows.Forms.Keys.OemQuotes) <> -1 id = InStr(list(1), Windows.Forms.Keys.OemQuotes) str = Mid(list(1), id + 1, Len(list(1))) list(1) = str Loop the problem im having is that it doesnt remove anything. If i replace the str = Mid(list(1), id + 1, Len(list(1))) with str = Mid(list(1), id + 2, Len(list(1))) I remove quotes from most strings but then i start removing the actual word. such as """""word""" ends up "ord"
  4. Im not just doing the program files folder. Im creating aliases for a program
  5. close but that gives me double quotes. Im looking it up for the single but its obviously not 22 either
  6. im trying to save the text from a string as "c:\program files" but when i do this chr(windows.systems.forms.keys.oemquote) & "c:\program files" & chr(windows.systems.forms.keys.oemquote) i end up with a funky result
  7. you guys are so over my head right now.:) its ok though . I think ive gotten it to work the way i want.
  8. actually, I didnt have them in the .vb file. when i looked at the form in design mode, the editor would be blank. but when i build it and tell it to ignore errors, the control still appeared.
  9. im getting an error that tells me that the control 'rLogikText' is ambiguous in the namespace 'rLogikText.Windows.Forms.Edit'. this comes up 20 minutes after i put the control into the form and continue coding. Im not sure what it is that im doing wrong.
  10. the code that im watching has the problem. one other thing that i saw was something like this interface mashed potatoes implements gravy end interface. apparantly i cant have an implement inside of an interface?
  11. I must say that ive learned more about code structure in the past couple of days that i have in the past year by decompiling some code. most of it works but i am having a couple of problems that i cant figure out. Im decompiling a couple of programs so that i may find out ways to accomplish the tasks i would like my program to do but Im not sure of the following things. Private Function Windows.Forms.Edit.IScrollBar.get_Enabled() As Boolean Implements IScrollBar.get_Enabled Return MyBase.Enabled End Function this is how a couple of functions came up in my code. I dont understand why i cant do this. actually, they were declared as private overrideable too.. <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), Browsable(False)> _ Public ReadOnly Property IsThumbTracking As Boolean Get Return Me.isThumbTracking End Get End Property I dont understand what the begininng "<information>" is used for so i havent messed with it. another big issue thats getting me is this Property KeyBindingProcessor() As KeyProcessor ' was public set and get public Get Return Me.m_keyBinder End Get public Set(ByVal value As KeyProcessor) If (value Is Nothing) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException End If Me.m_keyBinder = value End Set End Property It works if i remove the "public" from the code but im just confused as to why it was accepted in the first place..
  12. shouldnt the following code work? imports system.reflection namespace test public class ugh dim thisdontwork as assembly end class it tells me that the type is not declared
  13. Im looking at some code through reflector and its using a delegate.... I dont know what its used for and how its created as i dont have the option for just creating a delegate file allthough thats how it looks to me.
  14. heres another question to go along with this control, Can I use 2 different status bars for this? or might it be better to use a status bar at the bottom of the window to display the cursor position for each richtextbox?
  15. Thanks. I kinda realized this a couple minutes ago but was still questioning my self due to i didnt really think that i would have to do something to the effect of _changed = true changed = _changed thanks though
  16. Im trying to add a property to my richtextbox control to determine whether it has been modified since being opened or saved. if i use this, i get a stack overflow. I dont know what it is that im doing wrong for this. I also need to access and set the property from both the form and the mdi parent. Public Property changed() As Boolean Get Return changed End Get Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) changed = Value End Set End Property
  17. I have created a richtextbox and am using a splitter and a panel that contains another richtext box. the purpose of this will be able to look at the same file in a couple different places. Im not sure what to do about updating the text from one to another though. I am using the keyup event and doing a simple if rtf.text <> rtf2.text then rtf2.text = rtf.text endif theres a couple of problems with this though. I want the text to be formatted the same between the boxes. is there a way to do it other than element by element? i tried doing dim textb as collection for each textb in rtf rtf.textb = rtf2.textb next the problem with that is that some things such as item are read only. I tried doing it a couple different ways and dont mind doing it element by element but i figured that by asking, I may learn the right ways to do things sooner.
  18. i have a filelist control that i am using to display all of the folders and files on my computer. I would like to add to it a "pattern" property. the problem is that when i set the property, the property "function" gets executed again and i end up with a stack overflow. Im also confused as what i need to do in order to retrieve this value from a different form. I was able to if i defined the property as shared, but i dont know if this is the way to go. Charles
  19. i am using the rich textbox control. I am able to find the caret position within the screen now, but what im doing is using a listbox to attempt to simulate intellisense. the problem is that i need to give it an x,y coordinate in order to get it to show up correctly.
  20. im dying to see what it is that you have for code because ive been searching for a while to see how it is that you do the code folding
  21. actually no. im actually looking for the caret position in the textbox. I dont know why i have the hardest time finding these things out. alot of the features that im putting into my program are normally found in most of the applications i use and i dont understand why its not built right in [/soapbox]
  22. I dont know if i am going about this the right way to start with but regardless, i am finding trouble in trying to find the exact location of the cursor in the textbox Private Function showlvars() Dim vartype As String Select Case SB_Lang.Text Case "KUKA" vartype = KUKALanguage.vartype(RTF.Currentword) Select Case vartype Case "POSITION" lvars.Items.Clear() lvars.Items.Add("X") lvars.Items.Add("Y") lvars.Items.Add("Z") lvars.Items.Add("A") lvars.Items.Add("B") lvars.Items.Add("C") lvars.Items.Add("S") lvars.Items.Add("T") End Select End Select lvars.Location = RTF.Cursor.Position lvars.Focus() lvars.Show() End Function basically in a lot of ways, Im trying to emulate how things work in the vb.net environment as they work the same with the robotic software. but i am trying to use a listbox that will appear after someone enters the text ".". i know i dont want to use the cursor position because it comes up incorrect though.
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