ok, im still not getting this right.
what im trying to do, is list a number of aliases into a list box. this gets done by loading a text file, and looking at each line for the word "*commandalias". I then split the alias into a list array by the following
dim list() as string
list = split(newline, " " )
what i need to do then is remove the quotes from the string in the text file. im currently doing the following
Dim str As String
Dim newstr As String
Dim id As Integer
Do While InStr(list(1), Windows.Forms.Keys.OemQuotes) <> -1
id = InStr(list(1), Windows.Forms.Keys.OemQuotes)
str = Mid(list(1), id + 1, Len(list(1)))
list(1) = str
the problem im having is that it doesnt remove anything. If i replace the
str = Mid(list(1), id + 1, Len(list(1))) with
str = Mid(list(1), id + 2, Len(list(1)))
I remove quotes from most strings but then i start removing the actual word. such as """""word""" ends up "ord"