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  1. I dont know if this question is valid for this forum. is there a way to open a server application by invoking it through a web client? basically i have lots of mp3s on my server that are accessed through the network on client pcs. what i am wondering is there should be a way to click the mp3 link on my client web_page that opens and plays it on media player on the server station. the intent is not to play on client pc but on the server where mp3s reside. anyone has idea or code on how to achieve this?
  2. I dont know if this question is valid for this forum. is there a way to open a server application by invoking it through a web client? basically i have lots of mp3s on my server that are accessed through the network on client pcs. what i am wondering is there should be a way to click the mp3 link on my client web_page that opens and plays it on media player on the server station. the intent is not to play on client pc but on the server where mp3s reside. anyone has idea or code on how to achieve this?
  3. in my case, i am trying to move a panel on top of a richtextbox.. .panel is container object having buttons, listbox etc.. i want to act panel as a toolbox window but didnt want to use a form since i dont want tool window to close.. it should always be open on richtextbox..
  4. i am interested to move a panel control in a form by mouse dragging. how is this possible in vb.net?
  5. Thanks ailzag for your response. the code is working now..i did use mdiparent property..did the same way as you have mentioned..
  6. Using lines propery of rtb, i found a way to navigate thru all lines using lines array. but i am not able to select the string that i am looking for. string is found in say line 573, but how can i select just that string? rtb.select(??, len(string) .. dont know how to set the startpos in select property. i add length of each lines to get the start but unfortunately it doesnt return the correct . divil, can you help me?:( ---------------heres my function---------------------- Function locate_string2(ByVal search_string As String) As Boolean Dim counter As Integer Dim temparray() As String Dim comment_start As Boolean Dim tot_char As Integer temparray = RichTextBox1.Lines For counter = 0 To temparray.GetUpperBound(0) If InStr(temparray(counter), "/*") > 0 Then comment_start = True GoTo nextfind End If If InStr(temparray(counter), search_string) > 0 Then MsgBox("foundit") End If If InStr(temparray(counter), "*/") > 0 Then comment_start = False If InStr(temparray(counter), search_string) > 0 And comment_start = False Then If InStr(temparray(counter), "//") > 0 Then 'comments line If InStr(temparray(counter), "//") < InStr(temparray(counter), search_string) Then GoTo nextfind End If ElseIf InStr(temparray(counter), "/*") > 0 Then 'comments line If InStr(temparray(counter), "/*") < InStr(temparray(counter), search_string) Then GoTo nextfind End If Else If Trim(temparray(counter)) <> "" Then RichTextBox1.HideSelection = False RichTextBox1.Select(tot_char + InStr(temparray(counter), search_string), Len(temparray(counter))) Return True End If End If End If nextfind: tot_char = tot_char + Len(temparray(counter)) Next End Function
  7. :( How can one select a line in Richtextbox and then search of string in it? I have rtb that loads a code file having functions and subs.. i am trying to search for keyword 'function' ignoring the comment lines. i am using find method but it returns that keyword in commented lines too. If i can go line by line then i can look whether the current line is comment or not using instr function.. dont know how to navigate line by line... if someone can write a piece of code that does that- it would be great!! thanks in advance
  8. :confused: Is there a way to create outlining in a richtextbox or textbox? i am working on developing code editor and would really wish to have such funtionality incorporated... ;) collapsing a function or expanding is an excellent idea... any idea on how we can do such thing inside richtextbox?:confused:
  9. i use 3D GameStudio... It has C support too. definitely c++ rules but Gamestudio may cater your needs...
  10. Thanks a lot!! works great.
  11. I have a listbox on the side of a richtextbox. Listbox displays the line numbers of the richtextbox content. Is there a way to invoke programmatically scrolling of listbox when i vertically scroll richtextbox and vice versa? basically i want to show scrolling of numbers while i scroll richtextbox and also vice versa...
  12. yes i have seen those standard rtf conventions... how do i use it?
  13. I am planning to incorporate formatting while writing to Richtextbox. Basically i am reading a text file via while loop and writing line by line to richtextbox. need to add formatting while adding lines to control. I know they have rtf codes but does anyone know or have code that exhibits how to do it? example code using rtf property? :confused:
  14. :) Thanks, it worked out fine... didnt knew it had to be done programmatically
  15. I have form1 set as MDIParent. I need to set form2 as mdichild but i didnt see any mdichildren property under form2 !! also when i tried setting in code, it says it is readonly property. how's my code- i am setting both forms as new in sub main and then showing form1. from form1 menu, i am opening form2. any help with this appreciated...
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