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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by mark007

  1. So in summary it's improssible to use the ASP.Net features in visual studio without having a copy of Windows XP Pro! Grrr...
  2. It's not so much creating a forum, as creating a templated forum as this one is responding to various options. The evaluate funcion is used to parse the templates allowing them to contain conditionals and site dependent variables. I don't believe this is possible in ASP.Net. Don't get me wrong I like ASP.Net. I just think they both have their place. As for PHP being more time consuming - I completely disagree! :) Oh and thanks for the welcome!
  3. Huh, interesting - I'll have to look for that. How do I add it? It doesn't appear to be on the list of possible components to add to windows in the control panel...
  4. If that was all the code I placed in earlier did there would have been no need for the evaluate function...;)
  5. ASP.Net is a compiled language and doesn't have scripting support like the Evaluate function. Also .Net will not evaluate variables in a string like PHP does. You show me how it's possible and I'd be very interested to see it! :)
  6. If i want to run what locally? Clearly I want to run Visual Studio locally but I don't care about testing the files locally - happy to test them by uploading to my web hosting account... Personal edition?? I didn't know there any editions for XP home at all - do you have more info on this. Searchin the web the other week I could only find details of getting a hacked version to run on XP Home. :)
  7. Sure. All the pages in this forum are generated using templates with code like: evaluate("$html='".fetchtemplate('templatename')."';"); The template returned in fetchtemplate could for arguments sake be: <html> <head> $header </head> <body> $navbar <hr> $content $footer </body> </html> and say the header template is: <title>$title</title> Prior to that line the variables in this will have been filled using for example: $navbar=fetchtemplate('navbar'); $title=fetchsetting('title'); evaluate("$header='".fetchtemplate('header')."';"); $footer=fetchtemplate('footer'); $content="This is some content." The resulting page being: <html> <head> <title>Page title</title> </head> <body> <!-- navbar html --> <hr> This is some content. <!--footer html--> </body> </html> Hope that clarifies. :)
  8. Just wondering if it's possible to use Visual Studio.Net to create ASP.Net web applications without having your own web server installed. For example if you run WinXP Home and have a Windows hosting account somewhere on the internet how can you create a web app and build it ready to be simply uploaded to the Windows web hosting account via FTP? MS VS.Net seems to require that you have a web server running to create an ASP.Net project. Any ideas?? As a small second question could someone confirm that Visual Basic.Net standard includes everything you would need to build ASP.Net apps and that purchasing VS.Net professional doesn't really add anything unless you want to use multiple languages? Thanks! :)
  9. I think they both have their place but are deisgned for different purposes. Personally I love PHP but dabble in ASP.Net every so often. The PHP language does have features that ASP.Net doesn't have though meaning that a forum such as this one written in PHP could not really be done in ASP.NET. These are all due to it being interpreted rather than compiled. :)
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