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About Georgen

  • Birthday 02/28/1985

Georgen's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Where can I find the official documentation for GDI+? MSDN, I guess. Can I download that from Microsoft site? Sorry Ive never done that so I just dont know.
  2. One thing I love is the fact we do what Not many people do. We sit down and simply, and I mean Just... Think. The other day I was seated in a sofa in the Living room in my parent's house alone in the dark (well it just happen that the light was off). You know I was thinking about a program. My mom pass along and totally ignorant and amazed said: What are you doing?. When I told her I was thinking, well that was reason enough for speding the whole day laughing about it and making jokes like if it was something out of this world. About the meaning of life, come on, it's pretty obvious and I suppose you all know that is 83.
  3. Its been some time since I posted this... I encourage you to post your experiences here, in my case Id love to know about the people that hang in here, Im sure others feel the same... :)
  4. oh, Im sorry, I really didnt knew that since I havent work with ADO.NET and stuff... I have indeed heard about the DataSet object or something like that, but I was not aware that the ..Recordset dissapeared... wow. well. If anybody can help me here... this is not about the code really is just about the problem with using the ' chararacter in the query, I just want to know how to deal with that. Any help is appreciated.
  5. Oh ok, I understand now. Well hope that you solve your problem.!! ;)
  6. Hi. Im sorry but I didnt understand what you meant, did you find the link helpfull or not? :confused:
  7. Using the Find method of the ADODB.Recordset object when the query data contains this character: ' Hi, Ive been having some problems to do this. cnn.open sCnnStr ' The connections is stablished sQry = "SELECT * FROM Table" rst.open sQry, cnn ' Opening the recorset rst.find "field LIKE '" & arg & "*'" ' do the search OK I have two (2) questions for this code, what is the wild char I should use: "%" or "*". And second, what happen if the arg parameter contains the char ' in its definition. For example arg = "VB Programmer's Guide to the Windows 32 API". The arg string contains the character ' so when i do call the Find method it will generate an Error. (I think is error 3011, bah it doesnt matter). So in conclusion, how do I query data when the ' char appears.?? :p
  8. I have an Idea. Is not about hot technology and is not neccesarily accomplished trough .NET but it is definetely something I plan to do this summer... Shell Extensions. Many corporate users find (incredible enough) a lot of great Ideas to extend the Windows Shell, since they spent the whole day working with the Windows File and Storage system. Ideas like letting the user to easily add new namespaces, default type folders with different icons, changing the Icon of whatever the user want... Well thats my idea. :)
  9. Hope this helps... Hi <PentiumGuy>, as far as I know, Windows XP Home doesnt bring the IIS, actually IIS (Internet Information Server) Is built in the systema and comes with Windows XP Professional which is essentially destined for Developers. In contrast, Windows XP Home is not. (Im not saying XP Home sukks, it actually has many cool features missing in Pro like EFS, NTFS perm control but I really dont know much about that). :D ... however, did you guess it? There are workarounds.. Try the following link IIS in XP Home Other options are the Apache Web server.. but I prefer to stick with everything that comes from Microsoft... Is that a good Idea? Time will tell! Let me know if you solve the problem!!! ;)
  10. Well thanks anyway... Ill check that MsAgent out because Ive heard of it in the past but never thought it had something to do with my post... thanks PentiumGuy!!! :D
  11. Helloo! I was thinking it could be nice if we can tell here some or at least one of the projects that we have worked on in our careers. It doesn't matter the kind of projects, the idea is not to categorize the project and how hard it was or whatever, I just pretend to know more about the folks around here in a more personal (story-like) way. :p I'll start myself: "Nothing too fancy nor trascendental but definetely was my first long-term project, I was 19 (Ok Im Just barely 20), and thanks to a friend of mine that recommended me to this company in the city I live a receive that call that terrored me. I went to the interview, it took like 2 hours the whole thing. I came home and I was amazed, I was gonna do something actually usefull for anyone. I started programming and after 2 months I release the first test-run. It worked fine besides some issues with the DataBase access, (problems with the outdated providers of the client machine) I managed to solve it at deadline limit. :cool: But that was not the end, they wanted more and more, and I was like Is there more money? Is there more money? Ok I got screwed :mad: ... but I dont feel bad cause the xperience its not something anybody can read or buy. So after another month (maybe less) I gave birth to Auto-Track a system to keep track of the company business (operators, clients, transactions, sold security alarms and other specifications). I took my first step into the wild but honestly everyday I find how small and insignificant I am... ironically that is what keeps me going!!" Ok, that was my story! Feel like sharing?? :rolleyes:
  12. Well thanks for that... by the way how come you dont know what Im talking about? When I say effects I mean all imaginable types of effects. For example, when using the OFFICE assitant it will (if set to) play an animation when getting closed or opened; and thats why I imagine would be great to do with Windows. Furthermore, the creation of an AddOn that (resembles powerpoint) allows the programmer add this animations, customize his/her owns, and so on. (Tell me, is that a taken Idea or it is original) Note: Is you find that project and feel like sharing I'd appreciate that you post it here for the common use of every1. ThankS! :D
  13. Oh... ???, wow that's what i was looking for, can you tell me more? I will do a search in Google anyway! but can you give me more information. That solution would be so fancy for my project!! :)
  14. Ok, thanks to everyone!
  15. ... I just realized it was a sstupid Idea because.. what if the user password contains alphabet characters... (well anyway)... Id like to have some info on the subject. Is there a MsComm control in .NET or any similar? In short, I wont do the keypad now, but how can I solve the problem I just mentioned... what about second keyboard? has anybody ever programmed two keyboards at the same time? can it be done? So many questions... any answer or whatever suggestions is ok!! thanks!! :)
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