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Everything posted by IngisKahn

  1. "n devices"? What exactly are you doing?
  2. It's still just a matter of setting your World matrix. To change the size of your meshes be sure to multiply a scaling matrix before your translation matrix.
  3. Well I'm thankful that BETA 2.0 has a "Go Live" license.
  4. Eludes? :p Anyway, I hope this isn't ture. Winsupersite still lists Whidbey as Mid-2005.
  5. ? Same as you convert any type, cast it.
  6. Device.SamplerState controls the texture filtering.
  7. Well that won't win you any popularity points here. :p If you're commited to GDI for this app then that's the way it has to be, but I would strongly suggest looking into MDX for any future .NET apps.
  8. You don't have to redraw the whole control, just what's changed. Performance critical apps use DirectX.
  9. Interesting, I'll have to look at the native compiled code, but I'm too lazy right now.
  10. Use ASCIIEncoding.GetString()
  11. Decrease the alpha component of the color passed to the draw function.
  12. As of yet it depends on your system. Since GDI+ is a new technology it is not yet fully implemented to run on the hardware drivers (this is changing, the next release will be on par with GDI). It also depends on what you're doing. The point is if you're doing graphics intensive stuff then use MDX for now.
  13. That hasn't been my experience.
  14. I'll just add that Sprite is a very convenient wrapper.
  15. You either need to repaint the whole control on the Paint event or use a back buffer and blit the invalidated region (the Paint event tells you what region was invalidated). And why are you hating on GDI+? It's merely a wrapper around GDI and implemented properly you'll see similar performance. Plus using GDI+ your app will be portable.
  16. Hmm, then you should do a little more research. ;)
  17. Can't say for sure. Generally if reference doesn't match hardware then your hardware is misbehaving. Is your driver up to date? Also, have your tried using Sprite objects instead?
  18. ::cough:: C# ::cough:: (string[])x as opposed to DirectCast(x, String()) :) You'd think they'd have made it a little more straight forward in VB... Or better yet, generic collections in .Net 2.0 ;)
  19. Nice to see they teach Bad Programming Practices. :)
  20. It smells like you're on the wrong forum.
  21. A lot of stuff but nothing having to do with Directory/File IO/Registry or even .NET for that matter.
  22. You need to access the text in the label and convert it to a number. int.Parse(lblRandom.Text)
  23. Just subtract and take the absolute value. if (Math.Abs(value1 - value3) > Math.Abs(value2 - value3)) ...
  24. 1 - TextureLoader 2 - Lock it and set the alpha yourself or use System.Drawing.Bitmap to do it. (should use preset alpha) 3 - Bitmap is a bit more ubiquitous (but I wouldn't use either)
  25. Having everything compiled in the exe does make the exe bigger. Another advantage of runtimes is security. I can run a certain app and know that it won't modify my computer. Native code is fed to and executed directly by the processor. Byte code or intermediate code is read by the runtime and exeucted in a big fat switch statement. Some of the advantages of using intermediate code are portability, security, and easy implementation of advanced features (e.g. in VB6 declaring On Error Resume Next insterts a special instruction between each line of compiled code that marks the position as a resume point). A disadvantage would be the performance hit. Of course .NET provides the best of both worlds by allowing matching intermediate and native code side by side.
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