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Everything posted by IngisKahn

  1. You'd want to do this because maybe something special needs to be done in the constructor or in overridden functions or you'll be testing the type later on. It works because GetType doesn't return the type of the variable, it returns the type of the instance. An object needs to know it's actual type otherwise virtual functions could not work.
  2. DataEntity myEntity = (DataEntity)myType.GetType().GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(null) C'mon mskeel, this .NET after all! :)
  3. A common (but easily hackable) method is to use a loader app to decrypt your assembly to the user's temp directory and run it.
  4. (?<=www\.)\S+(?=\.(com|org|co\.|edu|net|xxx)) 1. [] is for matching single characters. 2. Throw in ?: groups if you need better performance. 3. There is a RegEx forum.
  5. Cycles I can spare, it's disk IO that swore me off AVs.
  6. If you're using signed assemblies then there's not much more you can do to ensure that no one has modified your app. Embedding a key logger is just as easy in a standard PE file. You can't get back the 'actual source', just a reasonable facsimile. Using the cripple-ware Dotfuscator renders your app just slightly more readable than a plain PE.
  7. Virii? You mean viruses, right? Only words ending in -ius pluralize to -ii and -us only pluralizes to -i for masculine nouns, virus is neuter. The word virus was never seen in the plural form in ancient latin (it carried the general sense of poisionous).
  8. RegEx: \S*[^\.\s] IOW Any number of non-white-space characters followed by a single character that is neither a period nor a white-space. You can throw other punctuation in there as needed. e.g. comma, semi-colon, etc.
  9. Obfuscators (the good ones) DO change the control flow. In fact, you have to specify which functions to skip because it slows performance on your tightly looped functions. I do think that untill we're using built-in processor encryption, anything done to curb cracking is viewed as a call to a challenge more than a hinderance. The point of obfuscation is to keep your code closed-source not to protect it from cracks.
  10. Obfuscation programs do this already. Perhaps if the obfuscation step could be combined with installation...
  11. Since there's nothing random about a compiler (aside from GUIDs) then you can bet things will be the same. Would different binaries help security? Yes, but that's not very feasable if you plan on wide distribution.
  12. It depends on the compiler. It's been my experience that they are usually identical, all other things being equal. .NET may be an exception with it's ample use of GUIDs.
  13. /me notes that's usually a Bad Idea. (waits for PD's links) :)
  14. Well if you know all the basic string functions then you know LastIndexOf, that's not what you want?
  15. Ok, ok... :p
  16. I thought you said it does work . . . at 5 fps. HTL means the vid card does the vertex math instead of the cpu. Unless you can simplify your rendering somehow, then that's all you're going to get.
  17. You forgot the best thing: Edit and Continue! Addition IDE improvemets: ClickOnce Smart Tags Code Snippets Exporting IDE Settings Line Revision Marks Temporary Projects Docking Window Changes Another language feature: Partial Classes And to say that there are more classes in the framework is an understatement :), it has been vastly improved. A simple web search would turn this up.
  18. What model exactly is your video card? AFAIK, Radeon 9800 pro isn't an IGP. Anyway, if you have the correct drivers installed and DxCaps says no HTL then there's no HTL. The dxDiag merely indicates that your video card (hardware) is compatable with DX.
  19. lol Yes loads of stuff.
  20. Yup, just like VB6, except now you can assign methods and such to value types.
  21. A dll contains executable code and data. What are you looking to do? Where is this dll from?
  22. """" - two doule-quotes is the escape sequence for double-quotes in VB and In C# literal strings.
  23. I think the point is that data is data and when you get down to it, everything runs in asm. The same anti-cracking precautions should be followed no matter what language you program in. Hide (encode/encrypt) sensitive strings. Avoid obvious �key accepted/failed� message box popups. Delay verification of passwords. Never publish cripple-ware. It�s still fairly easy to crack but you might dissuade the average script kiddies.
  24. Right, but what I'm saying is that you shouldn't necessarily be looking to replace a single function when you might be better served by changing the algorithm.
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