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Everything posted by IngisKahn

  1. Was it really so simple?Dim fileNum As Integer fileNum = FreeFile Open "MyFile.dat" For Binary As #fileNum Dim data As String data = Space(LOF(fileNum)) get #fileNum, , data Close #fileNumCompare that to: Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader("MyFile.dat") Dim data As String = reader.ReadToEnd reader.Close
  2. Can I just say that the Tool Developers Guide in the Framework SDK is an excellent place to start your MSIL fun.
  3. Could not find vbrun400.dll Could not find msvcrt60.dll This application requires the Java Virtual Machine to run. Updating runtimes is hardly a new development. .NET is included in Windows Update, what more would you have MS do?
  4. You'll have to do it manually (thou a Mesh can auto-generate its normals). But may I ask why you don't want to use the world matrix... Every vertex will get transformed by that matrix anyway (unless you're using the programable pipeline) so there's no performance gain.
  5. Not sure what dismatch and holl mean but... RegEx.IsMatch(...) should do what you need.
  6. Generally pausing and stopping threads is a bad move. A better/safer approach would be to use System.Threading.Monitor to control your threads from the main thread.
  7. That's what static classes are for. :)
  8. Heh, sure. Remember to use the MultiLine option.
  9. <tr>(?=(.|\s)*(PÅMINN|PÅMINN)(.|\s)*</tr>) That will match the <tr> so you can use .Replace
  10. Heh, that's like saying C is for lazy assembly programmers. :) LINQ does compile down to very compact IL so there's no performance hit.
  11. LINQ does sound great. It'll really cut down on code bloat. Implicit Typing sounds a bit superfluous but I won't complain since it simplifies initializers to close to what they were in C++: C++ MyVeryLongClassName<MyTypeWhichIsLongToo> local; C# 2.0 MyVeryLongClassName<MyTypeWhichIsLongToo> local = new MyVeryLongClassName<MyTypeWhichIsLongToo>(); C# 3.0 var local = new MyVeryLongClassName<MyTypeWhichIsLongToo>(); I really wish I had Extension Methods now. I always have a large utility class that perform functions on say DirectX.Vector3 for example. I'd be so nice is instead of VectorUtilities.FindPerpendicularIn3d(myVector) I could just use myVector.FindPerpendicularIn3d()...
  12. 32 = 16ac^4 2 and 1 are the only integers that fit that equation and setting c to be negative flips the sign every other pass so that on the third iteration a is -16. It's pretty straight forward but I agree with Nerseus that it is a completely ridiculous question.
  13. a = 2 c = -1
  14. Damn, I think I'm in the wrong class...
  15. Without the strong typing and massive performance gains of generics we'd still be using C++ at work. In fact, I'd sat all the improvements were sorely needed. Now to blow your mind: are you ready for C# 3.0?
  16. Hmm, that's fairly old. I use the Updater Application Block (in conjunction with the Enterprise Library) myself. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnpag2/html/updaterv2.asp
  17. I'd suggest using internal constructors and do caller validation in a factory class. IL is just register-less, processor agnostic assembly code. It has nothing to do with making it easy to use the code elsewhere. It's the .NET metadata contained in the assemblies that does that. When you obfuscate an assembly, it only obfuscates internal names, not any publicly available names. Otherwise it would break any DLL you obfuscate.
  18. I use the Enterprise Library myself (at least for .NET 1.1 projects).
  19. Drop the lookahead and use a "few as possible" match. e.g. .+? <STRONG>Info:</STRONG>.+?<BR>
  20. Both ways are just as slow. Stick with Regular Expressions. Used with the Compiled option they are extreamly fast.
  21. So you want a list of the three numbers each grouped by the preceeding name?
  22. You can access the compiler directly from within .NET
  23. Here's your RegEx string: (?<=(?:<td align="right">\s*))[\d,]+(?=(?:\s*</td>))
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