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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by IngisKahn

  1. Sure, use a pixel shader.
  2. Only objects in DLLs can be shared so if you have multiple EXEs that need to use the same form then you can put that form in a DLL.
  3. Let me second the motion. Except in the rarest of situations (like emulating the continue keyword in C, whick I think they added in VB.NET 2.0) you should never use Goto. If, Do/Loop, For, For Each, and Select Case can always get the job done and they make the code much easier to read.
  4. DateTime dt = ... ... dt.AddDays(4.0);
  5. Release/Debug versioning is built in. i.e. You press F6 and it builds to the release folder, press F5 and it builds and runs from Debug. The configuration manager is hidden by default, but can still be accessed. Under Tools->Options select Show all settings. Select the Projects and Solutions item and select Show advanced build configurations.
  6. To zoom in ortho mode you need to divide your height and width by your scale factor.
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