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  1. I'm writing a program that needs to switch focus from itself to another program running outside of itself (eg if you were to hit alt+tab right the focus would switch from IE to say Microsoft Word). I was going to use SendKeys.Send("%{TAB}") to basically alt+tab it into view, but it would really mess up the program if there was a pesky popup that came into existance, or Norton Antiviris started up for a weekly scan, etc. Is there anyway I can bring the window into focus other then alt+tab, assuming I know the PID, program name, etc?
  2. hehe..... umm I feel dumb for saying this, but you were right. In the MSDN documentation it says that the {PRTSC} argument of SendKeys.Send() is reserved for future use, but I went ahead and tried it anyways.... low and behold it works. Thanks for the advice.
  3. I'm working on a program right now where I have the need to make a function that when feed the x,y coords of a certain pixel on the screen spits out the RGB number of that pixel. The pixels will lie outside the program so I can't use functions attached to my Form's controls (i.e. find out the pixel is part of a button and use btnStart.get_BackColor()). I'm using J# .NET, and can't really find anything on MSDN or online that deals with this sort of problem (maybe I'm no good at researching). I thought of using a colorpicker dialog, similar to the eyedropper on Photoshop, but can't find one (didn't they have one in Visual J++?), or even PrintScreen and enumerating through the pixels until I get to the one I want, but can't figure out a way to do a screen capture (SendKeys.Send("{PRTSC}") is not yet implemented). As you can tell I don't need an elegant solution, I'm a hardcore hacker at heart. Thanks in advance, this would really help me out a lot.
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