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About moongodess

  • Birthday April 13

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  • Occupation
    Vb6, Vb.Net and Microsoft Sql Server developer
  • .NET Preferred Language

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for all help :) I thank your help would solve my problem, but... my boss found another way to do what I need :o Thank you all... And sorry for the time you spend... I have no doubt that there will be another ocasion to practise this :)
  2. As you told me :) I took a look at that class... But all I can get (at least, what I saw) was how to get all the subkeys on current_config, current_user, etc... How do I specify a key to be seached, for example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Settings\MyProg\Grid\Columns ???
  3. I need to do a class to write and read some specific values in the registry. That is quite simple.... What I really need to know is: - How to check if a key exists - How to check if a value exists - How to get all sub key in a single key Thanks for any help :)
  4. I've done "Imports System.Windows.Forms" and now it works... I just don't understand is why did'nt I need that until now... But it's ok :) Works! Is what matter... Thanks a lot :)
  5. I've made a module with some functions to show/handle messageboxes and their results. I've been using this module since I started Vb.Net, in all my projects. Now I created a nes dll project and add this module, but every messagebox, messageboxbuttos or items says that they are not declared... Am I missing something?
  6. Check out http://www.janusys.com. They are great!! :)
  7. I want to make my own outlook program (at my way :cool: ) but I don't know where to start! I don't know, for example, how do I connect to the server and load the emails, how should I save then to the disk.. Any help would be appreciated :)
  8. Sometimes it is taking more than 2 seconds to fill a collection with 10 items, for example. I declared everything as object because this is a 'generic colecction' wich i'll use many times, to different variable types. Do U think this can be a cause? How do I use an HashTable? I'm new at Vb.Net and I never heard about it :rolleyes:
  9. I have two classes: Friend Class clsItem Public Sub New(ByVal objId As Object, Optional ByVal objNr As Object = Nothing, _ Optional ByVal objCode As Object = Nothing, Optional ByVal objDesc As Object = Nothing) Try Id = objId Nr = objNr Code = objCode Desc = objDesc Catch ex As Exception InfoError(ex) End Try End Sub Private mobjId As Object Public Property Id() As Object Get Return mobjId End Get Set(ByVal Value As Object) mobjId = Value End Set End Property Private mobjNr As Object Public Property Nr() As Object Get Return mobjNr End Get Set(ByVal Value As Object) mobjNr = Value End Set End Property Private mobjCode As Object Public Property Code() As Object Get Return mobjCode End Get Set(ByVal Value As Object) mobjCode = Value End Set End Property Private mobjDesc As Object Public Property Desc() As Object Get Return mobjDesc End Get Set(ByVal Value As Object) mobjDesc = Value End Set End Property End Class Friend Class clsItemCol Inherits CollectionBase Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As clsItem Get Return CType(MyBase.List(index), clsItem) End Get End Property Public Sub Add(ByVal item As clsItem) MyBase.List.Add(item) End Sub Public Sub Remove(ByVal item As clsItem) MyBase.List.Remove(item) End Sub End Class This is supposed to be used as collections, to fill some combos with specific values. Recently I verified that filling the collection is taking too long, and I dont know why. I'm doing something like: Dim colData As clsItemCol colData = New clsItemCol colData.Add(New clsItem(1, 3, "Item3", "Description3") (...) Does anyone have an idea, or some other way of doing this?? Thankx
  10. My only problem using SelectedIndexChanged (or stg like that) is that I don't wanna show the detail window if the user is navigating in the grid with the keybord. But... If I can find a way to know if it was a click or a keypress........ It would be great!! Does the 'sender' object gave me that? Sorry, but I'm not to familiarized with the newm objects of vb.net :)
  11. Yes.. Let me try to explain what happens... If I have no breakpoints: - If I doubleclick and there are no details to show it shows the main windows as supposed to (and also a message just to indicate that it was a double click) - But, if I double click and there are details to show it shows the detail window, but doesn't show the message box and the main window :( If I have break points: - It always work as if it was a single click It seems to me that showing the detail window is 'disabling' the double click for some reason :(
  12. The code is the following:[size=1][font=Verdana]Private Sub gdxSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gdxSearch.Click If (gdxSearch.HitTest = GridEX.GridArea.Cell) Then msSelectRow() End If End Sub Private Sub gdxSearch_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gdxSearch.DoubleClick If (gdxSearch.HitTest = GridEX.GridArea.Cell) Then msSelectRow(True) End If End Sub Private Sub msSelectRow(Optional ByRef bolOpen As Boolean = False) On Error GoTo ShowError Dim gdrRow As GridEX.GridEXRow = gdxSearch.GetRow() Dim intId As Integer = CInt(gdrRow.Cells("GuestId").Value) Dim intType As Integer = CInt(gdrRow.Cells("GuestType").Value) Dim bolRefresh As Boolean = False ShowPopup(intId) If (bolOpen = True) Then Id = intId If (Id > 0) Then Select Case Mode Case Open.Sch Dim f As frmUpdate f = New frmUpdate f.Id = Id f.Type = intType f.ShowDialog() bolRefresh = f.Saved f = Nothing Case Open.Sel Me.Close() End Select End If End If If (bolRefresh = True) Then intStartAt = 0 msRefreshGrid(Direc.Front) End If Exit Sub ShowError: InfoError(Err.Number, Err.Description) Exit Sub End Sub Public Sub ShowPopup(ByVal intId As Integer) On Error GoTo ShowError Dim bolShow As Boolean = DbParameterGet(PIPopupShow, PVPopupShow, PTBol, PDPopupShow) Dim bolExists As Boolean = DbPopupExists(intId) Dim strShow As String = GetSetting(SetApp, SetSec(intId), SetKeyDate, DateString) Dim dtmShow As Date = CDate(strShow) Dim bolDate As Boolean = (dtmShow < DbHotelDate()) If ((bolShow = True) And (bolExists = True) And (bolDate = True)) Then Dim f As frmPopup f = New frmPopup f.Id = intId f.ShowDialog() f = Nothing End If Exit Sub ShowError: InfoError(Err.Number, Err.Description) Exit Sub End Sub[/font][/size]
  13. Hi! I hope you can help me somehow, because I have a big, big problem... I have a grid with some rows. When I click a row my program must verify if there are some specific (important) details for the selected guest (row). If there are, it must show the 'details window'. When I double click a row it must do the same, but after closing the details window, must open the 'master window' of that guest. When I make just one click, everything works fine, but when I make double click not so good :( If there are no details the master window appears. If there are details the 'details window' appears, but when I close it the other window doesn't appear. Do you have any idea for what I need? Please..
  14. That's what i'm trying to do. Inside the dll i'm trying to get that values, but instead of dll information, i'm getting the test project information.
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